February's Empties

Another Month, another empties post. Here is everything I have finished this month, and my thoughts on them. I'm really hoping to finish up more make up items this year, so I plan on having more Make up included in these, and I want to see at least one lipstick in here..... the dream to finish a lipstick! Has anyone ever done this?

1. Herbal Essences Clearly Naked Dry Shampoo - I really wasn't amazed with this. I wanted to be, but its just nothing compared to Batiste, was glad to see the end of this! 

2. Nivea Cleansing Mousse - I flipping hate the smell of this stuff, I honestly couldn't use it some days, blech! Nivea why you smell so bad? It must just be me, but I just don't like the smell of Nivea products! 

3. Botanics Eye Makeup Remover - This was actually quite effective. My downside to this was how oily it was, you really need to cleanse and wash after using this, but it will remove all your makeup no problem at all 

4. Maybelline LashSensational - There is no words for how good this is. Actually quite upset it is now gone - the new one just doesn't compare. LOVE IT. I want to buy it again soon :) 

5. Nivea Mini Deoderant - Perfect for in my handbag, does anyone else need one of these with them just in case?

Yankee Candle in Season of Peace, finished. 51 tealights, a votive of "berry trifle" and two wax melts, one vanilla burbon and the other cinammon :)

What have you used up this month? Have you gone through candles? Have you ever managed to finish a lipstick? let me know in the comments below.


  1. The Lash Sensational is so amazing. It's got to be my fave drugstore mascara so far<3 also candles have veen used a lot in my flat as well :D
    I actually haven't ever used a lipstick to the end and I was so amazed the other day when I noticed one of my lipsticks was ALMOST finished :D
    Happy Valentine's day girlie <3
    Emma xxx


  2. Lovely post, I love your honest reviews ! The lash Sensational is just perfection , I don't know if I'll ever find a better drugstore mascara than this one!! :)


  3. I have never finished a lipstick, I thought I was the only one who wanted to! I have the Lash Sensational Luscious and I love it, I can't wait to finish it so I can buy the original Lash Sensational!


  4. I was actually going to go and buy the herbal essence dry shampoo! SO glad I read this before because it's been on sale here for awhile for only $5 and I thought what a bargain! I'm also looking forward to trying the botanics eye remover because I wear waterproof mascara and I find that oil free products sometimes just doesn't cut it! Great post :)

    Kathy xx

  5. I really love the Lash Sensational- it's such a good budget mascara xx

  6. I usually don't mind the smell of Nivea products so I'll check it out! Is it good besides the scent?

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

  7. Great mini reviews! I use the Herbal Essences Naked shampoo range and really like it, quite disappointed to hear the dry shampoo isn't as nice. I used the Nivea Cleansing Mousse some time ago and liked it, didn't mind the smell. Would love to try the mascara. Hope you have a nice day!


  8. The post is fantastic! I love it:)
    Have a great start to the week!


  9. Jasmine Stewart15 February 2016 at 21:33

    Ah I love Lash Sensational, think I'm on my 3rd repurchase! I really need to try Botanics too, I've heard great things :) xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  10. That is my absolute favorite mascara too! I can't find anything better! Great post:)

    Jac Fleurant

  11. I love love the Lash Sensation by Maybelline and will definitely be repurchasing it again :) -Maireem

    My Fair Autumn | Instagram


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