February Favourites

Not going to lie, February has been pretty crap for me. With being ridiculously in at the start of the month with the tummy bug from hell, then my operation half way though, leaving me feeling like I had a cold for two months with a really sore nose (I had my adenoids out)

So, this month hasn't been the most fun for me, and my favourites really reflect this, I have been run down and feeling pretty pants, so here is the things I have been loving this month. 

Top 5: High Street/Drugstore Buys

I was thinking earlier this week that I use very few drugstore items - but the ones I do use I am super loyal to, so here are my top picks from the drugstore, the items every girl should have in her stash - not just because they are amazing - but they are super inexpensive too!

Lipstick of the Month: MAC Mehr

This month's pick has to be Mehr, slowly becoming my new go to for a beautiful finish to pretty much every makeup look. 

Mehr is a blue toned dusty rose colour, (seriously I suck at discribing colours so here is the swatch:) 

SWATCHES: Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette

So as promised once a month I will be swatching palettes. This is due to me being obsessed with swatches mainly, I have also found that finding good swatches can be a nightmare, so it's always good to have a look at things up close before you make the plunge on a high end palette!
You can view last month's post here, which was my completed MAC palette :)

SpaceNK Haul

I refuse to call this a mini haul, but seriously its tiny. Sob.

I have been hunting for a new foundation since the start of the year. (You can view my guide here if you are looking to buy one)

I had narrowed it down from the several hundreds available to the YSL Touche Éclat or the Chanel Les Beige. You can view my mini review/comparison/swatches here.

Product Review: Chanel Les Beiges vs YSL Touche Éclat + SWATCHES

It's official. I hate it when brands all release new foundations at the same time, all attempting to be the best. How do you know where to begin?

My top contenders were the YSL Touché Eclat and the Chanel Les Beiges. So I took a trip to my local debenhams and picked up samples of each.

I decided to test them both out on days where I knew it was going to be crazy. With work & rainy conditions. I also decided to do zero touch ups, no fixing my undereyes and no repowdering. 

I used them both with the same products I used daily, primer & maybelline under eye corrector. Then set with powder across my t zone & undereye. And here were my results.

How to Save Money & Still buy Makeup

This is one question my friends are constantly asking. How can I afford it?

Those of you who don't know, I am currently in the process of doing up a flat/buying a house with my other half. With this comes with constant bills or saving - with little to no money for things like makeup *cries*

So here are my top tips on saving money where you can, yet still managing to treat yourself!

February's Empties

Another Month, another empties post. Here is everything I have finished this month, and my thoughts on them. I'm really hoping to finish up more make up items this year, so I plan on having more Make up included in these, and I want to see at least one lipstick in here..... the dream to finish a lipstick! Has anyone ever done this?

Last Minute Valentine's Day Post

Valentine's Day isn't something we really get over excited about, but I must admit I do like to exchange cards and do something. So here is my guide for last minute ideas, which I always end up needing. 

February Wish List

Every Single month I pick something new to obsess over - I will then decide if they are worth the splurge, then save up to buy them. Its a hard life being a shopaholic on a budget! So here is this month's obsession. 

Top 10 Tips for Finding a Foundation

Foundations are always something that has confused me, all this talk of undertones and warmth, glow, shine, matte. There is thousands of options, shades and finishes. It is overwhelming.

I am no expert, I have only just figured out myself what my undertones are, and what shade I should look for etc, so I thought I would give you my tips to look out for when it comes to finding your shade. Things that I have learned through this process, and what to look out for.

200th Post: My Top Favourite Bloggers/Blogs


To Celebrate my 200th post on my blog I decided to do something a bit different to the usual here. I decided to share my favourite blogs, the ones I automatically go onto, the ones I remember the URLs for and await post notifications for (or stalk twitter for new post updates)

This post is not an advertisement or sponsored in any way shape or from, the bloggers had no idea they would be featured (so I am sorry if this surprises or upsets them in any way, shape or form)

Product Review: Too Faced Coco Contour Palette + Swatches

I have been trying to decide between contour palettes for so long now. Mostly due to the best ones only being available in the US,  or them being hard to get a hold of in the UK.

I finally decided just to get a full size version of the Coco Bronzer from Too Faced, I had a sample size and loved it - so with Christmas vouchers to spend I was all set for buying a full size. Then I seen this.

For £7 more, you are getting a palette with 4 shades, smaller in size yes, but everything you would need to contour your face. 

After some investigation I realised how new this was to the UK, so I could barely find any reviews on it. I did however see Kathleen Lights rave about it on her channel, declaring it her go to contour palette, she had even hit pan on her Light Coco Shade - enough of a recommendation for me. 

After using this for almost a month now I must admit how much I love it. the smell.. OMG. Especially the Light coco. Think Childhood memories of eating Milky Bars and Kinder Eggs, its just so so good!

Smell aside the product really is good, I love the light coco as a setting for under my eyes, nose and lower forehead. The Medium Coco is my perfect contour shade. Cool toned and ideal for anyone who is pale like myself (NC15 MAC or 1N1 Estee Lauder)  It is a pure matte shade, no orange. The Dark coco for me isn't perfect for contouring, but it does make an excellent bronzer. But I can see people with a warmer darker skintone being in love with this for a full contour look, but even as a pale girl this is worth the investment. 

The one downside to this is the highlight. For me it is just too chunky glitter, and with the obsession with highlighters and Mary Lou in my stash.... I just don't use it. 

Have you seen this launch from Too Faced? have you tried Too Faced Bronzers for contouring? Let me know in the comments below :) 

Get your Coco Contour Palette here for £32 (Debenhams)

Yankee of the Month: Cranberry Pear

Hello February, Hello New Candle.