#MaskWeek: GlamGlow YouthMud Tinglexfoliate Treatment (M&SBeauty)*

#MaskWeek: GlamGlow YouthMud Tinglexfoliate Treatment (M&SBeauty)*

The Big Guns

Welcome to Mask Week! A mask a day for a whole week! 

Day 2. 

The GlamGlow YouthMud is no gentle approach to a mask. This is hard core, for the hard core. Once applied the mask tingles a lot, then hardens within ten minutes to then be taken off. 

"Originally designed as a 10-minute professional 'facial in a jar' for behind-the-scenes use in Hollywood's Entertainment, Music, Fashion & Award industries. YOUTHMUD® provides gentle resurfacing exfoliation and helps to leave skin looking smoother, brighter, and softer resulting in immediate camera-ready glowing skin. For Men & Women. Get your Youthful Sexy Glow back in just 10 minutes. YOUTHMUD® for Super Sexy Super Radiant Skin"

On first try I applied this after a 45 minute shower (I know, I take ages to wash my hair and sing) with my pores being this open my face couldn't handle the sting. My face didn't react badly at all, it was just too much for my fresh AF face. On dry clean face this is a miracle worker. It tingles slightly and once removed seems to make everything feel firmer, fresher, more "youthful" so to speak. It helps to make your skin feel as good as it could be.

I wouldn't recommend this for really sensitive skin, but if you are looking for a firming, purifying mud mask this would be the one I would recommend. Definitely worth trying if you haven't already.

You can Purchase the GlamGlow YouthMud Mask Here for £42.00 Via M&S

#MaskWeek: GlamGlow YouthMud Tinglexfoliate Treatment (M&SBeauty)*
#MaskWeek: GlamGlow YouthMud Tinglexfoliate Treatment (M&SBeauty)*

#MaskWeek: GlamGlow YouthMud Tinglexfoliate Treatment (M&SBeauty)*Have you tried GlamGlow yet? Have you tried this one? Let me know in the comments below. 


*These items were sent to me for review but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!)

 PLEASE NOTE: Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't affect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)

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