I was so mean to Glossier the last time, I thought I would give them another chance...
So yeah, everyone loves Glossier, but I ripped into them hard on this post. What can I say? I wasn't overly impressed. And I would be lying if this one is a complete convert on my thoughts. But hey, more on that now.
So previously I tried out the Phase 1 Set and the Cloud paints.. so this time I thought I would go for Phase 2 and one of the "supers". Cover pretty much all of their cult products.

The Phase 2 set includes the Boy Brow, Stretch Concealer, and the Generation G lipstick. You can customise by choosing your shades in each.
The Boy Brow is cult status now. And tbh I can see why. It holds but somehow isn't crusty. I got the shade Brown, which works well for me. My brows are almost black, but they are warm in tone so this works well. I would be seriously tempted to buy this when it runs out!
The Stretch Concealer in Light isn't quite light enough for me to be a good brightening concealer. They could really do with an Extra Light shade. This just matches my skin tone. So right now I am using it on no makeup days to conceal dark patches or spots - but it is nice. Definitely not full coverage, but still good to use on less fuss days.
The Generation G Lipstick I picked up in the shade Jam. I can honestly say with confidence, that this is without a shadow of a doubt, the WORST lipstick I have ever used. It is dryer than the sun, it doesn't moisturise, it isn't pigmented, it is just every shade of BAD. I am now noticing all big YouTubers who rave about these never actually video themselves actually applying it from the start because you would see them running this over your lips 1000x to actually get it to show up. Don't believe me? Check out this video (at 18.45) which convinced me to buy this shade. And the camera just happened to cut out before applying it. I'm not saying its a conspiracy (totes is), I'm just saying it's dry, uncomfortable, doesn't wear well, not pigmented, and I honestly don't know how anyone likes it. And the video was definitely all lipliner because they are patchy AF in real life.... ok I'm gonna stop ranting now... but I really don't like these.

Super Pure is the redeeming product for me and Glossier. I fucking love it. I even stopped using it for a few days doubting it's magical properties thinking it was all in my head. I got a breakout and my chin flared up. I started using it again and BAM. No spots. It's flipping magic powers. Super Pure contains Niacinamide and Zinc which helps to reduce redness and purifies skin - and for me it 100% works. There are alternatives available, like The Ordinary's Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% (Which lives in a constant state of out of stock) and the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo which is a slightly different approach. You can read more about it from Laurzrah in her post. She is way better at explaining it than me, I'll just say it's magic. And if you are spot prone you need it in your life.
(Let me know if you want a full blog post on this one)

Overall I am still feeling on the fence about Glossier. I have a few products I love, but some I don't. What are your thoughts on Glossier? Have you tried any of these? Let me know in the comments below.
*These items were sent to me for review but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!)
PLEASE NOTE: Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't affect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)
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