2018 Favourites: Makeup, Skincare, Personal

Honestly, I'm a little shocked 2018 is over... but at the same time, I am so happy with this year. I have managed to cram so many incredible moments into this year - so it seemed like a good idea to round up all my favourites from 2018 into one post, and here it is. 

December Skincare Saviours

The Skincare Roundup 

Just another month, which means another skincare routine to go over. 

December Favourites 2018

I feel like December favourites are often forgotten about with the yearly favourites overshadowing all. So I thought I would sneak in my monthly favourites now, while everyone is recovering from Christmas :) 

Feeling Down On Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, Everyone! 

I love Christmas time, I love the trees, the lights, the scented candles, the coffee, Christmas movies, everything about Christmas... apart from the day itself.

Every year I find myself writing up a miserable post trying to encapsulate how I feel about Christmas Day, every year I delete it. This year I am pre-writing it. Simply because I know how it feels. Every year I find myself scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bloglovin' looking for someone - anyone who feels the same way I do, but I never see it, so I thought I would break my routine and post it myself, and maybe, just maybe, it might help someone. 

Korean Beauty With TONIC15*


Say hello to an online retailer you will need to check out in 2019. Tonic15 is Korean Beauty made simple, bringing the wonder and craze of Korean beauty to the UK in a super accessible way. With free shipping over £15, a wide selection of Korean skincare and makeup brands to try: Tonic 15 will have you spoilt for choice and your skin glowing in no time. 

Building Self Confidence


I think self-confidence isn't one of those things you can have and keep, it needs to be maintained, constantly worked on and always aiming for better. 

Personally, for a long time, - I struggled with self-confidence. I still do. But it is something I am aware of now, and something I constantly question myself over. Should the way I look to others matter? Or should it be how I feel about myself on the inside? Is there a happy medium? As much as we would all like to be able to say our appearance plays no part in our self-confidence I don't think very many of us can relate to that - and I don't think its true. 

Pixi Glow Cake: 3-in-1 Coordinated Cheek Colour*

Pixi Perfection 

I swear Pixi just nail their launches. Their products are quickly becoming staples within my collection as I find myself reaching for that pastel green packaging all the time. 

Their latest launch is the PixiGlow Cake, hosting a highlighter, blush and bronzer in an ombre effect pan. I was pleasantly shocked at how large these are. Big enough to get a face brush in each shade without making a mess of your face, definitely a winner. 

Photo Gifts From Cheerz*

Photos, Photos, Photos. 

Just in case you haven't noticed, I really like photos. I love remembering moments by taking photos. Especially with a good camera. Photos make such a beautiful gift too, my family love getting photos for Christmas, especially with AJ's geeky face smiling back at them :) 

Cheerz specialises in photo gifts perfect for Christmas - and every other occasion to be fair... so this post is filled with my favourites from their collection. Perfect for those last minute gifts - which need to be thoughtful.

Pictured is their Calendar, Magnets, Rose Gold Frame and Their Boxed Frames. You can see my other post with their products here.

I highly recommend everything really, but the Calendar is the perfect gift for any relative this Christmas. We also used the magnets instead of Christmas Cards - it was SUCH a good touch, everyone got something a bit different. 

Netflix: 10 Crappy Christmas Movies To Watch

It's Christmas Movie Time! 

Something about December makes me want to watch TERRIBLE movies that require zero brain power to actually pay attention to and get all the Christmassy feels. Something about watching a movie that has all the Christmassy cliches like Santas, carols, trees, snow makes me feel good. You name it - they have all of them, every cliche going. Even dead parent cliches - at least 6 out of these 10 the main character has lost a parent, how terrible are we to emotionally manipulate huh? 

The Ultimate Gift Guide

Whether it be your mum, sister, cousin, aunt, best friend, girlfriend - this post should have you covered. Everything beautiful which might be the perfect gift for your loved ones. 

Christmassy Self Care

December is my favourite month of the year - without a doubt. I love the Christmassy vibes, I love the lights, SANTA. *eeeeeep* SO exciting. But, I will also be the first to admit that the minute Christmas day is over, my heart breaks and the blues well and truly sets in. All the hype, all the buzz - gone. For a whole year. For me, it is so important to maintain a good self-care routine, so when I feel sad Christmas is over - I have already taken the time to appreciate it, and still enjoy the leftover vibes until at least March. So here are the things I will do to enjoy some self-care this Christmas. 

November Favourites 2018

So long November, you will be missed. 

AAAAAAH ITS CHRISTMASSSSSS. Okay, Erin, just breath, it'll be okay. It's only Christmas. *squeeeeals*. I love Christmas time - it's just so exciting. But here has been my favourite products from this month - the best of the best. 

November Skincare Saviours

Another month, another update. 

I love rounding everything up with a blog post at the end of every month - its so good to look back and see which products I was loving at different points of the year, and what worked and what didn't. So here is this months roundup. 

On The Go: 5 Minute Face

For those days when sleep beats appearances. 

I leave the house at 6.50am. I SUCK at going to bed early. So I attempt to live getting 5 hours sleep a night then complain 95% of the time that I am tired. Because of this, I struggle to get out of my bed in the morning, rolling out of my bed just in time for a quick shower and to throw on clothes. I then attempt to make the most of sorting out my face in the car. 

An Environ Facial at Therapie Clinic*

"OMG TOUCH MY FACE" - me last week. 

One of the many perks of being a blogger is my ability to try new products. However, with that perk it can often mean I try new skincare products a fair bit, I love skincare, so my skin has to deal with me constantly changing what I am using... which definitely isn't the best on it. 

Therapie asked me along for a skin consultation last week and I was excited to see what they had to say. We went through all the products that I use, my concerns and what I would like to see improved.  They confirmed what I know: I use too many products. 

Gatineau Holiday Gift Sets*

SUCH a good saving. 

Gatineau have been on my radar this year, I have loved trying them out and getting to know their products. Recently they have launched their holiday collections designed to give as the perfect gift this Christmas. But with a saving like these - it might be worthwhile picking them up for yourself. 

3 Skincare Tools Worth Investing In

Three little tools I love to use... 

I mean who doesn't love Skincare? There is something so relaxing about a morning and evening routine which you love to do, especially the evening routine, taking off your makeup and applying all the goodness. Working in a good routine with products designed to suit you is one thing I would highly recommend. I thought I would talk through the products that aid with my enjoyment in my skincare routine, the tools. 

Adexe London: MAC Petite Brown Watch*


It's so beautiful. So so beautiful. I love a classic look to a watch, and this one is exactly that, with a teal face and stunning brown straps. 

I have worked with Adexe London before, they very kindly sent across the Pink Freerunner previously, and wow is it pretty. Adexe have a very signature look of old vs new. The curved slimline face reminds me of watches from years ago, something outside of the norm now, something that makes me reach for them constantly. 

Building My Own Beauty Advent Calendar: What's Inside.

Those of you who have followed me for a while will know my confusion, indecisiveness and hatred of the beauty advent calendars. Part of me loves them, I want them all. But a much bigger part of me cannot bare to part with £100-£300 on items I wouldn't necessarily buy myself, then by the time I FINALLY decide to part with the cash it is December and they are all sold out. *Facepalm* Typical. My usual argument is that I would rather spend £200 on things I actually want... 

The Best Lip Care

The dry weather is WRECKING my lips. 

I have been what most would consider as "lip blessed" AKA, my lips are huge on my face. The majority of the time I am very happy to have loads of lip space to smear loads of lipstick onto them, but dealing with crusty lips is definitely a disadvantage. 

Over the past few years I have tried and tested pretty much every lip product going. I like to take good care of my lips, I abuse them enough with product that it would be cruel not to. Plus no one likes applying lipstick onto crusty sore lips - it is never good. 

JORD Wood Watches: Dover Koa & Black + Competition!*

Oooooo It's so Pretty! 

Who doesn't love a new watch as a gift? Or even just to treat yourself! Jord reached out to me recently asking if I would like to try one of their watches. I already have one from them - which I love, so it was an absolute pleasure to pick another. 

October Favourites 2018

Another month down. 

Goodbye October, goodbye PSLs and pumpkins *cries* (not that they have been available for most of this month, but I will be avoiding that rant lol) Here is everything I have been loving this month, no surprises as always - I am so predictable! 

October Skincare Saviours

Another Month, Another Skincare Routine

I love switching up my skincare, but at the same time I know what I like, and I love using my favourites. There is some items which constantly reappear in here, and well, that speaks volumes. There is of course some new appearances too - because I just love trying new bits. 

Too Faced Gingerbread Spice Palette Review + Swatches

It's like Pokemon, you gotta catch them all. 

New Too Faced Palette you say? Well I definitely didn't need it... but damn did I want it. Everytime I seen anyone using it all I could think was I WANT THAT PALETTE. So it came back into stock and I grabbed it while I could - and I recommend you do the same. Not that you need it, but you probably want it. 

Pixi Multi-Toning Perfection* #PixiPerfect*

The ever loved Glow Tonic now has two sisters. 

I don't know a blogger who doesn't love the Pixi Glow Tonic. Forever set in cult status now, forever loved. It is now a staple in my skincare stash and one I cannot see being pushed from that top spot anytime soon. I love it. (I did a full post on it here) 

Life Without A Bath (AD)

*Sponsored Post 
Hi, My Name Is Erin, And I Do Not Own A Bath

Sometimes I find myself looking through websites at all the Bath Accessories I am missing out on, all those bath bombs, fancy oils and soaks. Dreaming of a time where I can live somewhere with the space for a bath. The whole idea of lying soaking in a hot bath just seems so odd to me now, as I have been bathless for over 10 years. 

Padrino Pizza Dundee*

mmmmm pizza. 

Who doesn't love pizza? Padrino pizza is relatively new to Dundee, in the heart of the student hub that is the Perth Road - it is the ideal location for a quick bite to eat. They very kindly invited us along to try out their menu - so AJ & I took Sarah for some pizza. 

11 Years With Tesco

After 11 years. Today is my last day with Tesco. 

Recently the trend on twitter has been "first seven jobs". Everyone has been sharing their progression from their first, school age job to where they are now, and it has been SO inspiring.... but with the timing, it has had me really considering my career up until this point, what has been my progression...

I am currently 27 years old, and this year will mark my eleventh year working for Tesco. 16 year old me got a part time job working in the Tesco PFS while I was still at school. Then 17 year old me got a transfer to the Customer Service Centre - and I have been there since, 10 years. 10 years on Back shift.

SensatioNail Peel Off Gel Polish Review

Pumpkin Orange Nails 

There is a couple of silly things about being a midwifery student that annoys me, one of them is I am no longer allowed to grow my nails long, or paint them. This applies when I am on placement, or when I have skills lab. I have skills lab at least once a week, so when I do opt to paint my nails, they need to be removed after a few days.

Gone are the days of wishing my nail varnish would last a week. I'm happy now if it dries quick, it is easy to remove and it makes my short stubby sausage fingers look a little more feminine and pretty.

Pixi Beauty: MatteLast Liquid Lipstick + Swatches*

The shades are STUNNING. So beautiful...

Sometimes creativity can be overwhelming, especially around content, photos, ideas. If I went with all the ideas I wanted to do for this post you would be here ALL day reading it. So I decided to break it down into two posts, this being the first one. A look at all the shades, my thoughts on the overall formula, and a shot at making my own shade. 

New In at M&SBeauty: Lifeology*

Say hello to the beautiful new range from M&S.

This whole collection on first impressions is just utter packaging goals. Everything from the collection has this sleek white packaging with the coloured background - each scent a different colour - I am so impressed asthetically, it's beautiful to have out on display, to use of course too.

The new Lifeology range from M&S is more budget friendly - without missing out on the indulgence. The whole range is priced £3.00-£8.00 each.  

The scent I have tried is Lemongrass & Thyme, but the range also contains two more scents, Waterlily & Pink Pepper and Orange Flower & Vanilla - which I will need to check out the next time I am in store. 

Why I've Handed In My Notice

"Don't fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today"

I've worked for the same company since I was 16. I've done the same job for the past 10 years. I've never not had a job, Tesco has owned a part of me my whole adult life. Funded my life. 

For the past two years I have juggled work, college, parenting, volunteering and the blog. I have managed, but it wasn't exactly the most fun experience ever. When I said juggling - I meant it. Imagine that feeling of being late, really late, and running about like a headless chicken and trying to get everything done but not quite ever having enough time - that has been my life with college and work for the past two years. No days off, no time off, a full day at college followed by work until 11pm, half the time I was like a walking zombie, a walking zombie carrying around a bag full of guilt because she doesn't get to see her child. 

So I have done it for the past two years. It was needed. I was working towards my goals, it was a hurdle I had to overcome and work through to achieve what I want. To become a Midwife. And this Summer, I did it. I got in. Mission achieved after two years at college, hours upon hours of stress and unrelated learning (yeah Higher English) and I finally got what I had worked so hard to achieve. 

So I kept my job for the time being. All the What Ifs crept up. What if I hate it? What if I don't manage the work load? What if I hate the commute? What if I can't afford to live? What if, What if, What if. I am far too used to having a Tesco shaped safety net to fall back on. So I didn't quit. Not when I started uni, I stayed juggling work with university, parenting, blogging and everything else. 

The issue is - my much loved safety net quickly became a burden. Doing a 37.5hrs a week course alongside a 16hr a week job is pretty horrific. On a Monday I left at 7am, uni 9-4, drive home for 5.30pm, work 6-11pm then back up at 6am to leave at 7am for uni 9-4 on the Tuesday. By the time I drove the 65mile trip home on the Tuesday night I was dead walking, then it would take me days to recover - having to neglect writing up notes or revising what we had learnt, not having the weekends to go over notes. I cannot commit to the level I need to. 

Money-wise the Scottish Government still fund Nurses & Midwives (YAY!) so I now receive a full bursary to support me and AJ while I am studying. It covers everything, bills, travel, childcare, food. Quitting work was an option, I could not work, and focus on university and be okay...

Then there was the joy aspect. Two weeks into my course I cried the whole way home. Never in my life have I felt like I loved my job. Never have I felt like I was in the right place for me, but in every class I sit in at university - every lecture - I feel that spark of utter joy of "THIS IS ME". I cannot describe how incredible it feels. To feel a sense of belonging, to know this is what I want to do, and know with all my being this is the right choice for me. All of a sudden my doubts of "what if.." had disappeared. This IS where I belong, and this IS what I am going to do. 

Finally, I look at my son and I cannot be prouder of the little man he is becoming. He brings me such utter joy and pride, but I am missing SO much. I don't see him at weekends while I'm working. I don't see him during the school runs because I am at university. My course is 46 weeks a year. I don't get twelve weeks holiday over summer to see him. I don't get that. I. Miss. Him. He needs me, he needs me here, and he needs to see his mum happy and pushing for what she wants without being miserable pushing too hard. 

All of a sudden I was sitting at work and finding it all meaningless. Wrong, like I didn't belong after 10 years of being there. It wasn't me anymore. So why am I staying?

I spent the weekend off work - a rare occasion. I caught up with university work, I caught up on blogging, I lay in bed with AJ watching Dr Who, I spent hours wrestling with that inner demon who is usually right in saying "YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO DO" - I didn't. I had done it. I got to... relax - gah what is THAT! 

Some will see it as giving up, but for me it is moving on. Tesco has played a huge role in my life so far, but there is no longer space for it anymore. I want to grow as a Student Midwife, I want to have the time to learn, revise, read, go to conferences, watch Ted Talks, volunteer, I want to grow that part of my life, and I cannot do that with a job which conflicts so much with what I am doing. 

 So I handed in my Notice. My last day is 21/10/18. After 11 years at Tesco. 

I'm still unsure why I needed to write this post, maybe it's for me to look back on, maybe it's to organise my thought process. Some posts just need to be written, this was one. 

I would love to know if you have ever given up a job to pursue something completely different? Would you? Do you love your job? I would love to know. 


 *PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

 COMMENTS: I LOVE receiving comments, and I read every single one. I really am SO grateful for every comment you leave on my blog, but commenting "Thanks!" for every comment seems false to me. So, instead please consider the "Thanks" as a given, and if you have any questions or comments I will answer ASAP. Instead of replying to all comments, I will check out your content instead, after all, this is a community. So please feel free to leave your own link as a signature!

My Foundation Stash! (+ Swatches)

It's been a while since I chatted foundation, to be frank I used to find it boring. Beige products which just don't excite me. What has changed that is finding foundations which just work for me and my skin - it can completely change the way you view them, going from being happy with anything that matches and covers, to finding something that makes your skin look flawless and stays on aaaall day long.  

so I thought I would take the time to talk through what is currently in my stash - either loved or neglected - this is what I have. I will be the first to admit I definitely use some far more than others - usually down to shade or my oily nose - but I have some definite go to foundations here - some which I will continuously repurchase thanks to their all round capabilities.  

Bobbi Brown: Highlight & Glow Highlighting Powder Duo + Swatches


I would be lying if I said I bought this for anything other than the packaging. Don't judge a product by its packaging, but oh my goodness this one is SO beautiful, judge away. I could stare at this one ALL day long, infact it took me double the time to take photos of it because I was too busy shaking it to get the glitter to fall on the front. Packaging perfection. 

This will be a quick post. I just wanted to share the existance of this Christmas beauty from Bobbi Brown, and I REALLY wanted to take photos of it. I mean look. It also helps the products within it are utterly perfect too. The Bobbi Brown highlighters are definitely more natural vs glittery, which I love. The shades just give off just a stunning sheen from your cheekbones. 

"Two deluxe-size shades of our cult-favourite Highlighting Powder in a festive palette that glitters like a snow globe when shaken—perfect for gifting or keeping for yourself. Formulated with a clear base and light-reflective pearl pigments, the luminizing powder gives skin a radiant glow when used individually and a high-impact, multidimensional look when layered. A £81 value, yours for £49.50.

Shades Included:
Highlighting Powder in Limited-Edition Shade Bare Glow 
Highlighting Powder in Limited-Edition Shade Opal Glow"

Sure it's expensive, but for the joy of using it - it is worth every penny. 

You can purchase the Highlight & Glow Highlighting Powder Duo here for £49.50

Have you ever bought anything just for the packaging? What is your thoughts? 


 *PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

 COMMENTS: I LOVE receiving comments, and I read every single one. I really am SO grateful for every comment you leave on my blog, but commenting "Thanks!" for every comment seems false to me. So, instead please consider the "Thanks" as a given, and if you have any questions or comments I will answer ASAP. Instead of replying to all comments, I will check out your content instead, after all, this is a community. So please feel free to leave your own link as a signature!

September Favourites 2018

I'm still shocked it's the end of September already.

Another month down and we say hello to the bits I have been loving this month. All the pretty products. 

September Skincare Saviours

The months are now flying in, and this month has been super busy. This skincare routine has been all about quick and easy, along with dealing with stress affects - spots.

1. Super Facialist Vitamin C Daily Polish Wash* £9.99 Full Post Here
Who doesn't love a orange scented face wash for first thing in the morning? The Una Brennan range is incredible too, it's my go to for a mid range, high proforming skincare brand. LOVE them. 

2. Pixi Glow Tonic* £18.00 Full Post Here
I'm still using this constantly, and I completely understand the hype now, well and truly earned pixi. This stuff is incredible, so so good. I use it in the morning before SPF and moisturiser. 

3. Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Face Serum* £44.35 Full Post Here
Who doesn't love a hydration boost? This whole range is beautifully done. I have been using this to deal with my skin adjusting to wearing makeup every day again. It's light, easy to use and soaks in quickly. 

4. Formula Absolute Time Capsules* £25.00 Full Post Here
This has been my boost on mornings where I have slept in, or simply not had enough sleep - which is constantly when you need to leave at 7am. They are quick and perfect for on the go. I may have applied it in the car a few times before going into university. 

5. Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm* £47.00 Full Post Here
I would be lying if I said I had used anything other than this since it arrived. It smells amazing, it removes makeup in record time without drying up my skin or needing to rub excessively. 

6. Pure Deep Cleansing Face Mask* £12.00 Full Post Here
My poor spotty face isn't liking all the makeup and stress, so I have been reaching for a cleansing mask over the past month to help clear up my pores from all the nasties. This one is perfect for the job, and I love using it after a shower while my pores are big. 

7. Glossier Super Pure £24.00 Full Post Here
 I LOVE Niacinamide in skincare now, honestly don't know how I managed my spotty skin without it. Since using this I have reduced my breakouts massively, and my skin is clearer than it ever has been before. 

8. Formula Absolute Ultimate Sleep Cream* £22.00 Full Post Here
Applying a night cream remains my favourite skincare step, this is thick, creamy, hydrating, moisturising and a pleasure to use. I find my skin is at it's absolute best when using a night cream like this one. 

Which skincare items have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below 


*PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

 COMMENTS: I LOVE receiving comments, and I read every single one. I really am SO grateful for every comment you leave on my blog, but commenting "Thanks!" for every comment seems false to me. So, instead please consider the "Thanks" as a given, and if you have any questions or comments I will answer ASAP. Instead of replying to all comments, I will check out your content instead, after all, this is a community. So please feel free to leave your own link as a signature!

Summer Empties 2018

What is living in my bin... 

It feels like such a long time since I have done an empties post, so it was about time I did a little update on everything I finished up over summer. The sweatiest summer in history may I add. SO sweaty. I showered far too much lol. 

My Favourite Sleepy Scents

SO Sleepy... 

The first week of university is over, and I have never been so exhausted in all my life. On Tuesday I went to bed at 5.30pm. My issue is that I have been a backshift worker all my adult life. I go to sleep at 12.30am and sleep til 8.30am (Just in time for the school run). 

Kebelo Hair Treatment & Shorter Brown Hair With Fin & Co (Carnoustie)*

My hair has never been so soft & easy to manage.

A holiday in the sun and water parks, summer in the heat, killer dandruff after AJ had nits and I had to put 4x treatment in my extremely thick hair *BLECH*  The past few months RUINED my hair. It was drier than it has ever been before, and my ends were ruined. I went into see Fin & Co and my hair resembled a nest. - Not cute.

M&SBeauty: Formula Absolute Skincare*

M&S take on skincare...

I am slightly obsessed with M&S skincare range at the moment, they have such an amazing selection to choose from - so it makes sense their own skincare range will be incredible too. I have loved trying the Formula Absolute range too, SO nice. M&S describe it as:

"Formula Skincare is created with more than 20 years of expertise with results proven by real women. Proven to tackle 10 signs of ageing, Absolute offers the very best of Formula skincare. Luxurious textures designed to be layered into your skincare regime or combined for the Ultimate Anti-Ageing Solution. 100% Intuitive skincare."

Top 5 Autumn Lipsticks + Swatches

*Turns Sept 1st* Ooooo Dark Lippies. 

There is never any hiding that Autumn is without a doubt my favourite time of year. My pretty large lips love a dark red lip - and I love how it goes with my glasses. (weird I know). But still, now that we are into autumn, the darker lips are now everywhere, and I thought I would share with you the ones I reach for - new and old.

M&S Beauty: Sleepy Favourites*

Normality has arrived.. Hello Term-Time. 

Summer is over with the schools going back, how excited is everyone? With the arrival of September everyone seems to have gone back to their normality. Kids are tucked away in school, College has started and University semesters have begun. 

Top 10 Teen Movies I Will Not Admit To Loving (But Watch All The Time)

"What am I watching?... it's just a movie..."

I have been going through a phase recently where I am watching movies that 12-14 year old me would have loved - or did love at the time... it's like pre-relationship Erin is just wanting to believe in high school love again... or maybe it's just the lack of brain cells required to watch them... or potentially just because they are brilliant movies (even if I am slightly ashamed to admit it). 

Most of these fit the same mould. Awkward misfit girl finds herself and bags a cute as hell boy in the process. 14 year old me loves it. Even if 27 year old me thinks they are so unrealistic, really weird and I should probably grow up... 

First Impressions: L.O.V Makeup*

Say Hello to a New Brand...

I hadn't heard of L.O.V makeup until this little bag of goodies arrived in my mailbox about a month ago, I was excited to open them all and swach them - and they have been so much fun to play with over the past few weeks. 

Bobbi Brown Luxe Matte Lip Colour Lipsticks + ALL SWATCHES

What is the last thing I need? More Nudes... What did I buy... well yeah. 

Say Hello to the latest Bobbi Brown launch. Meet the Luxe Matte Range. *SQUEAL*. I LOVE a matte lipstick, and Bobbi Brown are quickly becoming firm favourites in my makeup stash. Needless to say I was VERY excited about this launch....