December is my favourite month of the year - without a doubt. I love the Christmassy vibes, I love the lights, SANTA. *eeeeeep* SO exciting. But, I will also be the first to admit that the minute Christmas day is over, my heart breaks and the blues well and truly sets in. All the hype, all the buzz - gone. For a whole year. For me, it is so important to maintain a good self-care routine, so when I feel sad Christmas is over - I have already taken the time to appreciate it, and still enjoy the leftover vibes until at least March. So here are the things I will do to enjoy some self-care this Christmas.
Change Your Home Scent
BRING ON THE CINNAMON AND PINE. Saying gingerbread would be lying, cause my home forever smells like the Home Bargains gingerbread candles (Because I bulk buy them to last all year) but throughout December (and January to be fair) I will bring out the big guns and my house smells like a winter wonderland. I love an apple and cinnamon type scent through the burners, and I love an expensive pine candle (the cheaper ones tend to smell like bleach - blech!). I have even gone to the extreme of having winter scented Zoflora too - you can blame Mrs Hinch for that one ;).
Lighting Candles & Feeling Cosy
Nothing beats dimming the lights, candles on, curtains shut and cuddling up on the couch. My big cosy blankets are out in full force and every day comes to an end with watching TV tucked under them with a hot drink and a movie.
Change your Bedding
Both AJ and I have Christmas bedding. Both are brushed cotton too. SO COSY. Who doesn't love that? We also have Christmas teddys and pillows on our bed too. Festive, festive, festive. We have them on the whole of December - you have to make the most out of these things!
Wear Only Festive Clothes (Jumpers, Leggings, Pyjamas)
Yurp, you heard it. Throughout December I will try to wear something Christmassy as much as possible. Either a jumper, or leggings (Primark cosy ones), dress, t-shirt, earrings... oh and I rotate between my sprout PJs and my Elf ones. Definitely winning on the clothing. Festive over style, every time.
Watch the Christmas Specials
Nothing says Christmas more to me than watching The Vicar of Dibley, Only Fools and Horses and Gavin and Stacey. They are classics for a reason - because they are amazing.

Watch Christmas Movies
Love actually, The Santa Clause, Elf... I could go on and on... I love Christmas movies. They all give me the feels. There is something so nice about cuddling up watching Santa on the TV. I love the magic Santa vibes from them. Every year I get a bit emotional over Santa, I want the magic.
Hot Chocolate & Christmas Coffee
I LOVE Costa & Starbucks this time of year. But the minute Christmas goes we are back to the normal menu *cries*. So make the most of it now, treat yourself. Picking up some of the Christmas mugs, syrups and flavours will help prolong the experience too. Go all out and get some cream and mallows too - the Asda snowman ones are the cutest!
Be Your Own Santa
The definition of treating yourself. Get yourself something really special you have had your eye on for a while. Yes.. get yourself that Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit 4, because you know you want it.. you know you will love it. Treat yourself, wrap it, open it Christmas morning, pretend to be shocked. It's the best.
Take Time To Yourself
Yes, spending time with your family will forever be important, but so is appreciating that you also need time for yourself too. I think there is so much pressure to have the perfect day and spend it with loved ones, it can often be emotionally draining. Take the time, have a bath, read a book, sneak away. Just take the time you need.
Take Care Of Your Mental Health
Ignoring things until after Christmas may seem like a good idea, but try not to prolong. Dealing with those niggling issues now can feel so much better for those days after Christmas. Leave your mind free of worry and doubt - deal with them now, and let yourself relax over Christmas. Don't ignore the doubt, the worry, the stress. You are allowed to feel emotions other than festive over Christmas, don't suppress them, embrace them. If you don't enjoy Christmas you don't need to take part, you don't need to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Enjoy every moment you can, and always take the time you need to feel good about yourself.

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