Another month down.
Goodbye October, goodbye PSLs and pumpkins *cries* (not that they have been available for most of this month, but I will be avoiding that rant lol) Here is everything I have been loving this month, no surprises as always - I am so predictable!
1. Bobbi Brown Highlight & Glow £49.50 Full Post Here
Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? Seriously it is beyond perfection. Sure it is completely excessive, and its definitely not a need, but oh my goodness what a treat this is. LOVE it.
2. Too Faced Gingerbread Palette £39.00 Full Post Here
It's so beautiful. I love it. Definitely not a need, but it was never gonna be a need, it's a want. I really wanted it. And wow am I glad I got it, the formula is incredible.
3. Pixi MatteLast Liquid Lipstick* £16.00 Full Post Here
They are such a beautiful formula. I'm still not ready to decide which shade is my favourite, but there is a post on that soon, but wow are the pretty. The formula is so comfortable and easy to wear.
4. BBB London Rosewater Mist* £22.00
Ooooo this is SO nice, and the spray is the perfect spray - its glorious. The packaging is sleek and beautiful, the perfect luxe feeling product. I use this before applying makeup as a final skincare step.
5. Essie "Million Mile Hues" £7.99
I love this shade. It is SO beautiful. The perfect metallic gold. This will be the perfect colour for Christmas. Oh its limited edition too, so get it while you can.

6. Midwifery Instagram
I'm slowly discovering the community on Instagram of Midwives - and I am loving it! Mother of Daughters (Clemmie) The Modern Midwife to name just a few, they are so interesting to follow, and have me excited for what is to come :)
7. Studying
I cannot believe I am actually admitting to revising... but I must admit I do like the topics we are looking at. I am loving the Pens and paper I am using, and the look of my notes. Studying has been fun, it has been interesting, and I am so looking forward to learning more.
8. Starbucks Burnt Caramel Brownie
HEAVEN. I swear these are utter perfection. Just to make things better too they have the hot chocolate version for Christmas and I couldn't be happier with it - it is incredible!
9. Scrubs
Who remembers Scrubs? Well it is on Prime - all the seasons. I have been loving watching it before bed to chill out and fall asleep to. It is just so easy to watch.
I don't think I have ever been as happy as what I did walking out of there. It has been incredible since I quit. I am loving my weekends again!

I have loved October this year, it has been so much fun! What has your favourite part of the month been? Let me know in the comments! :)
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