September Favourites 2018

I'm still shocked it's the end of September already.

Another month down and we say hello to the bits I have been loving this month. All the pretty products. 

1. Anastasia Beverley Hills Modern Renaissance £43.00
It took me WAY too long to buy this. Way way too long. I understand why everyone loves it now, even if I am scared of some of the colours so use the muted purple CONSTANTLY, but still, I love it, I use it, I reach for it all the time. New staple

2. Benefit Hoola Quickie Contour Stick £24.00
The only downfall to this - and one that everyone seems to have an issue with - is the product really doesn't like staying inside its packaging. the whole twist up product likes to fall out, but if you know this, and know not to angle it down and shake, the product itself is fab. I use this daily to contour my round face, it blends beautifully and seems to be the perfect cream contour shade.

3. Milani Strobelight Instant Glow Powder "Afterglow" £13.00
I have recently finally parted with my smashed up Mary Loumanizer, and decided to replace it with something similar, but different - to avoid the smashing throwbacks. This one reminded me of it in all the right ways. Perfect on pale skin.

4. Jeffree Star Liquid Lipstick "Redrum" £16.00
Red lipstick perfection. I LOVE THIS SHADE. It's just so beautiful. This is pure red,  non sticky, doesn't budge, liquid lipstick gold. Say what you want about Jeffree Star, his liquid lipstick formula is the best I have tried.

5. Bobbi Brown Luxe Matte Lipstick "Boss Pink" £28.00 Full Post Here
I have been loving the new powder matte range from Bobbi Brown, they are so easy to apply and so comfortable to wear. Boss Pink is my perfect nude shade, so beautiful on any and every occasion. 

6. Jo Malone Velvet Rose & Oud £75.00
This scent is so rich, warm and sexy. I love it. It's definitely not a day time, summer scent. More a night out or date night kind of vibe, but I love it all the same. The scent is beautiful, and something completely different to what I am using already.

7. The Guilty Feminist
Podcasts are new to me, but they are how I am choosing to deal with my 64 mile drive to university every morning. The Guilty Feminist is currently what I am working through - from the beginning of course. I am loving Sofie Hagen SO much. She is amazing. This podcast is fab if you haven't listened to it already - really good. (I'll do a podcast post soon - promise)  

8. Pumpkin Spiced Lattes
I have had WAY too many already. 15 according to my app. Thats one every two days. A venti size. I need help. Or more PSLs.. Maybe more coffees... 

9. Student Discount & NO COUNCIL TAX. 
Hello student life. I have missed my discount card over summer - and all the shops have 20% off just now for students too - which is always a bonus... as for the no council tax, what's not to love about that?? :) 

10. The RGU Midwifery Course
How could I do this favourites without mentioning my course? AAAAAH I LOVE IT! I'm still undecided on how I want to document the process. I find it super interesting, so you guys are probably sick of hearing about it already... but I do plan on posting about it monthly on here - I did ask on twitter, and the majority said they were interested in it - so that is the current plan :) 

What have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below. 


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