Is the drama over the Subculture palette dead yet? I was hoping it would be by the time this post went live, I wanted it to be done, for the videos to be over and the bandwagon to come to an end.
I did a first impression post here, where I did a quick overview of the palette, but this is the one that has been asked for, my final thoughts, my month later opinion, how I have been using it, and if I still like it.
*sigh* I don't know how many pictures and videos I have seen of people destroying their palettes for views and likes. The only one worth actually watching is this one by The Beauty News girls, they did it to show a comparison and to actually help consumers make an informed purchase.
The way I see it, is that when the iPhone + size was released, it was quickly discovered that they bend pretty easily, they break... but you know what we all did? We bought it anyway and just didn't bend it... see that? It's called common sense. If you know something is going to break if you sit on it, don't sit on it. If you know something will crumble if you swirl your brush in it for a minute straight - don't swirl your brush in it for a minute straight. Simple see.
There really is no need AT ALL to swirl your brush in ANY of these shades. Literally tap it and you have enough, do not swirl, no swirling allowed. It's pointless.
*mini rant over*

I's pigmented - I cannot deny that, at all. Literally one tap and you have enough to do a whole look. It is one serious adjustment to get used to - and it definitely doesn't make it the easiest palette in the world to use, but personally I have completely adjusted.
I think the first time you use any palette that overwhelming urge to use ALL the colours at once in some elaborate look with glitter and every shade in the palette. My first look with this was shit, flipping terrible, I was ready to cry - it was like all the "first impressions" videos.
But, what I have found is that on an everyday look, where I am only using 2-3 shades max, it is just so easy to use, quick application and blends out beautifully... and they last all flipping day on my oily eyelids.
I think the reason I am constantly using this palette is simply the shade range. It is SO different to everything I already have, and the shades are all so different but work beautifully together, no look is ever the same.
The matte shades are stunning, but I really don't like the shimmers (Cube, Electric & Adorn) they just don't apply well or look good, so I never look to use them. But the green is incredible, and I love the blues, All star is stunning and the yellows are just so pretty!

So, I have been using the palette non stop. I know it isn't the easiest to work with, and there is a few dud shades, but overall I just cannot stop using it for everyday looks using a few shades, and if you are looking for something totally different then I really do recommend it - well until another brand does the same colours and perfects the formula!
If you are like me and love to use eyeshadow daily but don't go full on glam you will probably enjoy the palette just for an everyday look and for something a bit different. So if you have been thinking about getting it - and are put off the reviews, I hope this has helped :)
Have you got this palette? Would you buy it after all the drama? Let me know in the comments below
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Ohh the swatches actually kinda change my thoughts on this palette! I just don't think I'd reach for it enough to actually justify the cost but hey ho you can't win them all eh! x
ReplyDeleteI think the main problem that I would have had with this palette is that it was marketed as a sister palette to the Modern Renaissance, so many people assumed it would have a similar formula and quality and be just as easy to use. The shades are undeniably beautiful and pigmented, definitely great for experienced people!
I love this palette! Like you, I don't swirl my brush because there's simply no need! I think I'll get lots of use out of it over the coming months! X
ReplyDeleteI've always thought it was a beautiful palette and never didnquite understand the hysteria of people jabbing their brush into it x
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great review, however, the shades are still not m cup of tea xx
ReplyDeleteMines arrived I can't wait to use it! The videos are getting on my nerves like who digs a brush in until they hit pan.. idiots do! I can't wait to play about with it as I don't have any shades like this in my collection.
I gave this one a miss due to the bad reviews I read, but seeing the swatches it looks pretty good actually. I do think ABH do the best formulas on the market x
ReplyDeleteThe shades of this palette looks gorgeous
ReplyDeleteCandice | Beauty Candy Loves
The swatches look so beaut! I love the look of Adorn!
ReplyDeleteChantelle x
The Girl In The Tartan Scarf
This post was awesome! I absolutely agree about what you said about the Iphone 6. With the palette everyone is swirling the brush so hard for it to hit pan. I don't understand, everything for likes and views. At this point it's dificult to trust in someone's opinion. xx
ReplyDeleteCarolina's Makeup Life
Great review! Thanks for not jumping on the band wagon
ReplyDeleteMichelle xx | www.thisismybliss.com.au
Wow, the pigment sounds amazing!!
It looks lovely but I'm just not sure I'd use the shades much! Great swatches though!
ReplyDeletexx Sofia | SOFIAADOT
Such a great and honest review with swatches that have changed my overall thoughts on the palette! However, I still don't think the shades are for me :-(
ReplyDeleteI love the shades in this palette - so autumnal x
I am so glad you managed to make this work and can create a number of looks, which all look stunning! I don't think this palette is for me, as I'm not a fan of the shades, so I won't be picking it up xx
ReplyDeleteHannah | luxuryblush
My eyeshadow skills are kind of basic and this palette might be a little too much hard work for me personally. I love your honesty. The shades look beautiful and I agree, I'm so sick of people crumbling their palette for views!
ReplyDeleteEyeliner goals! Mine still looks like one of my mates kids did it. Love the looks you created with this palette.
ReplyDeleteI actually really want to try this palette out now.
It look so pretty and I love the looks you have made from it. Have a lovely weekend. Gemma x
The shade Adorn is beautiful and it's so nice to finally see a positive review! xx Nikita
ReplyDeletePS: Loved your mini rant. It's so true. People need to develop some common sense x
BLOG//Jasmine Loves
Very pretty shades. Seems like a good palette for autumn and winter.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice weekend.
Love, Esther
Your swatches look so great, I just don't really understand how one persons review is completely different to the next! You have made it work well!
ReplyDeleteCass | CassandraMyee
It looks like an interesting pallete. I like the fact that it has strong colours.
I really like the Untamed shade! It's so unusual x
ReplyDeleteTamz | http://www.throughneweyesx.com
I mostly prefer neutral colours, plus I know that I wouldn't ever use most of those shades therefore I was never interested in this palette. I must say adorn and all star are pretty!
ReplyDeleteEla BellaWorld
I really can't make up my mind when it comes to this palette. The shades do look gorgeous, but I don't know how often I'd use it! I'm not put off by any of the bad reviews I've read though; like you said, it all comes down to how you use it.
ReplyDeleteLouise | Lipstick & Luxe
I bought this palette a couple weeks back and I have been loving it. Like you said, it is just an adjustment, but then it looks stunning!
ReplyDeleteDanielle xx
I love it on you, but I'm just not sure I could pull it off myself! It's so good tho!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a gorgeous palette! A shame there's a few let down shades. I especially love those greens x