Instagram: We Are On A Break.

I think I am just done. Ever been in a relationship that is just bad? You pour everything you have into it, and you get absolutely nothing back. It's all take take take. 

Well i'm done. I think I just need a week, I need a break OK. I just can't do this anymore. *cries* 

I feel like I have been the biggest defender of Instagram this past year, I have stood against them through the romours, the drama over shadow bans, all this time I have been an advocate sure they were doing it all to help us, but now I think I am ready to say I'm done, I'm done making excuses for their sh*tty behaviour. 

I have spent so long looking over hashtags, commenting, making sure I am posting the right kind of content, editing, themes, the time and energy I put into instagram is probably equal to the amount of time I spend on my blog. 

Then there is the pods. I love the pods, I love the girls, but they are hard work to keep on top of, and as much as I love the interaction I'm not sure it is helping at the moment. 

This latest round of doubt with instagram is the hack they had last week. Myself and quite a few others were locked out of their accounts and forced to reset, our accounts were deactivated and reactivated, with this we seem to have lost the exposure when we post, so posts are taking longer to reach the top of the feed.... its confusing, I'm confused even saying it, but I think I just need to NOT THINK about it for a week. I need a week just to be me and revaluate what I want from IG. 

I want to have a week of posting what I want, when I want, and not doing the pods... I might even go a few days without posting... I'm undecided, but I think I need a week off to see what the difference will be? 

If you see me on IG give my pictures a quick like and comment, and you can make sure you are following me here :) 

What is your thoughts on Instagram at the moment? Let me know in the comments below



  1. I've literally just come from another post which was advocating for falling back in love with Instagram but I know what you mean! I was constantly on the app all the time yet most days I'll only go on once for a long scroll since the algorithm has made it pretty hard to have a 'quick look' without losing your place completely. Hope your break can give you a bit of clarity over what you want from IG!

    Victoria | Victoria Sponge Pease Pudding

    1. Yeah its like a bad relationship at the moment, sucking the life out of us lol, but I want to love it again, I spent so long loving it I want that back!

  • Instagram is definitely a difficult thing to figure out nowadays. It isn't the same as what it used to be.

  • I woke up one morning and my account was disabled, I went to twitter to find out that everyone was freaking out and having problems with their accounts & hashtags. I am so over instagram too, I used to love it but it is sad since it isn't what it used to be.


    1. Totally agree, it can be so sad all the time :(

  • theblogsocial.com6 September 2017 at 12:52

    Instagram has been a real pain!

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  • I decided to stop posting on there a little while ago and I'm so glad I made the decision. It was such a chore and my following just wasn't going anywhere. Every time I gained loads of followers, they'd all unfollow again and I just had enough of it x

    Jenny | LuxeStyle

    1. I'm so glad it is working for you! I wish I could give up but I just enjoy the photos! :(

  • I deleted my blog Instagram a couple of months ago and I am so glad that I did. I was so obsessed with the statistics that it took the fun out of it.
    I didn't see a dip in my blog traffic and it gave me more chance to focus on organically getting people to my blog!

    Danielle xx

    1. Thats so good you are enjoying it not having it! It makes me want to, but at the same time I love it :(

  • It's such a shame that Instagram has gone so far downhill, as I used to love it so much, but so much keeps happening and it's not getting any better! The news about the hack is gutting, and I am sorry it happened to you xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Thank you so much lovely, it can be so soul destroying :(

  • I know exactly what you mean. Instagram pods are such hard work and sadly I'm not seeing any improvement in my stats. It's so frustrating.

  • I am feeling the exact same, I hardly check it as much as I used and I just don't really care about regular posting because it makes no friggen difference!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  • I totally understand as well. I am just waiting for someone to come up with a better app than Instagram. I am so sick over Instagram but I don't want to leave it just yet. I am a bit stubborn so I'm going to keep trying.

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    I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(

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