September Favourites 2017

Hello September, oh wait, it's goodbye September... how is it the end of September already??? Oh well, here is this months favourites. 

1. MAC D is for Danger £16.50 
Hello the new favourite Autumnal lipstick, this is SUCH a stunning shade for this time of year, and has been the first lipstick in 3 years to push Maybelline Devine Wine off the top spot! 

2. MAC Baby's All Right £16.50 Full Post Here 
This shade is my new perfect nude. I LOVE the shade of it, its so pretty on! It's been a while since I have found something which could potentially outrank Honey Love as my ultimate. 

3. Hourglass Mood Exposure  £32.00 Full Post Here
I've used this so much it has gone flat, and I'm pretty sure it will be hitting pan soon. But all using it does 

4. Clarins Bronzer £30.00 Full Post Here
I am actually pretty shocked this is still in stock, it is such a stunning bronzer, so so beautiful... and I don't think I will be running out anytime soon either lol the colour is just perfect for adding warmth, even on my pale skin. Surprisingly it doesn't come off as too orange either - which was a worry when you see the pan. 100% worth picking up! 

5. Loreal Nail Varnish "Monsieur Bleu" £4.99 
This shade is so so stunning. The perfect pastel stunning bluey purple. I have so many nail varnishes the same as this though. 

6. Apple Watch 3 (With The Yellow Strap)  - EE Contract
I don't want to say too much - post soon - but I am enjoying it. Plus it's yellow - WINNING! :) 

7. Salt & Vinegar Pringles 
YUM. Seriously I love the way they make my mouth hurt. Ben bought me 3 tubes when he came up, I am now living off Pringles. SO GOOD. 

8. Chenielle Jumpers  £29.99 
I have two cardigans in this material from last year, and I am SO obsessed. I was so so happy to see it back in "style" this year - and it is everywhere. It's like wearing Pyjamas. I now have 3 jumpers as well as my two cardys. Ben was a sweetie and bought me one, which means it's even better than just cosy now too. 

9.  Gavin & Stacey
We have been rewatching this and I had forgotten how good it is. Seeing Smithy and Nessa is even better now, So much love for them all, and if you haven't seen it.. why not??? It's a classic now! 

10. Pumpkin Spiced Lattes 
I know - its so basic. But I LOVE them. I'm pretty sure at this time of year I am 90% coffee. Not even ashamed. Starbucks has won my heart until November! :) 

What have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below! 


Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :) 

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