July's Favourites

Bye July! I am so excited for August, I love August, my son turns 6, P2 for him and I start college again! Excited to get back into a proper routine, but here are the things I have been loving this month!

1. Jeffree Star Androgyny £40.00 Full Post Here
I am loving this palette SO much. It is so nice, the pigment and feel is stunning, and I am loving the shade range and the looks I create with it, although I typically do the same look with the orange and red, with green under my eyes. its SO nice.

2. Charlotte Tilbury Secret Salma £24.00 Full Post Here
I finally used it! And it is so beautiful! I can understand 100% why everyone is obsessed with this shade, it is so pretty, its like dior 772, which is my ultimate lip :)

3. Clinique Robust Rhubarb £19.50
I got this one as a sample size and I have been loving using it, I love using this on no makeup makeup days, it is so quick and easy to use and blend out - perfect for summer.

4. DNKY Dreamsicle* £22.00 Full Post Here 
I have been loving this scent so so much. It just smells like summer to me, and that is good in my books!

5. OPI "I Just Can't Cope-acabana" 
Nail Polish Perfection, how yellow is this!! LOVE. TKMaxx bargain too, which is always a bonus! :) 

6. My Livingroom
I have spent this month doing up my living room, it has gone from brown to white (3 coats later) I am loving the change, and I'm sure i'll be doing a post about it in August, once it is finished :) 

7. Make Over At MAC
Fraser did my makeup for a wedding recently and it was SO good. Most MACs will offer a makeup masterclass or makeover if you spend an amount, its well worth looking into if you have an event coming up. Felt so good to have someone do my makeup for once :) 

8. Camping with AJ
This week I was camping with AJ and my Mum down in England near Harrogate. We had such a lovely time, we went to digger land and flamingo land, it was so much fun! There is lots more pictures on instagram if you want to have a look :) 

9. TV: Love Island
Gutted it is over. Happy with the results. But I need more Chris & Kem. Who is looking forward to the reunion tonight? AAAH EXCITED! :)

10. YouTube: Beauty News
Obsessed, completely, they are SO lovely, and I love staying up to date with their twice a week show. Honestly SO good, if you love new releases this is the channel you need to be subscribed to :) 

What have you been loving this month? Have you tried any of these? 


*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!) 

Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)


  1. This background is so fun and summery (that word even exists lol)! I love the color of the CT lipstick


  2. I love Secret Salma! Can't wait for the reunion show tonight! X

  3. beautyqueenuk30 July 2017 at 07:58

    Secret Salma is such a pretty shade, sadly one which doesn't suit me or I would have snapped it up x

  4. fashion for lunch30 July 2017 at 07:58

    So funny you picked out the chubby stick, just yesterday I posted that the chubby highlighter was massively underrated!!!!

  5. theblogsocial.com30 July 2017 at 08:23

    The OPI nail polish is such a pretty yellow!

    Candice Beauty Candy Loves

  6. Secret Salma is such a beautiful shade. This month I've been obsessed with my new Lancome Teint Idole Foundation & Monsieur Big Mascara.

  7. I'm having Love Island withdrawal! Can't wait for tonight!! I bought my daughter the androgyny palette for her birthday on Thursday, it's lovely & the pans are huge! Glad you've had a lovely holiday with AJ & your mum �� I need to try the DKNY scent xxxx

  8. I love the formula of the JS lipsticks. Androgyny is one of my favourite shades too x

  9. Secret Salma is SUCH a gorgeous shade xx

  10. The Girl In The Tartan Scarf30 July 2017 at 11:51

    That palette looks so pretty especially 'déja vu'!! Also so random but I'm looking for a good tent recommendation...yours seemed to hold up to the elements whilst you were away haha so would love any recommendations you might have!! ☺️❤️
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  11. I love the look of that lipstick shade! Glad you enjoyed your trip away.

  12. I love the look of the JS palette! I also really want to try that CT lipstick, as it looks like such a gorgeous shade. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip! Great picks xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  13. I can't wait for the Love Island reunion tonight! I have been lost without it! x

  14. The Androgyny palette looks stunning!x

    A Little Treat | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  15. Laura Louise30 July 2017 at 18:51

    Your trip away looked and sounded so fun! :-) Glad you had a good time x

  16. Beauty News is amazing, although my favourite thing is the Makeup Breakup videos.

    Also I love your pineapple lights

  17. Alice May Snell30 July 2017 at 21:15

    I loved seeing your little camping trip on Instagram, looks like you had a fab time. Looking forward to seeing your re-designed living room!

    Alice May Snell ♡

  18. Lauren Catherine30 July 2017 at 21:19

    Currently have the Love Island reunion recording, Dirty Dancing is on and it always wins. Love the look of the androgynous palette xx

  19. That CT lipstick looks fab! I love redecorating, so I'm excited to see the changes to your living room :)

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  20. I've been majorly lusting after that Jeffree Star palette!

  21. Macy Tacosik31 July 2017 at 00:10

    The Clinique Chubby Stick looks like a beautiful color! I bet it is quick and easy to use!

  22. Back To You Beauty31 July 2017 at 08:17

    Loved your Insta stories of camping! Just a shame it was such crappy weather :(

  23. Really want to try some JS makeup! I watch him all the time on YouTube :)


  24. Allure La Vie31 July 2017 at 13:37

    Sounds like a great July. The CT lippie is gorgeous x

  25. Heather Nixon31 July 2017 at 17:10

    That OPI shade looks gorgeous for summer x


  26. Cassandra Myee1 August 2017 at 04:04

    I need that OPI shade, it looks so pretty!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  27. The CT lipstick is stunning! I'm so gutted Love Island is over too, what am I gonna do with my life now?! x


  28. I love the look of that palette, the colours are so unique!

    Rachel | Hey Rachieface


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