PMD Personal Microderm Review*

Have you ever thought to yourself, ok ill try it.. but not be 100% sure if it is actually going to work? Well this was the case when PMD contacted me asking if I would like to try their Microderm kit. 

So I thought I would take the time to share my experience and the outcome from using the device for 4-5 weeks. 

My hopes really were not high - my skin can be a nightmare, I have big pores on my nose, I'm oily and spotty.... I am basically a teenage boy. 

First things first this isn't something you just take out the box, turn on and bash on without reading the instructions - you can do your face real damage if you do this.

It's worth taking a good half hour to watch the DVD it comes with, and to check out a few YouTube video tutorials on how to get the best results, I found this one really good at explaining what to look out for and the best tips to get the best results. 

The first use I found a bit odd. You have to select the filter which is best for your skin, I went for the normal one, this seemed to be a good match! With that in place I then ran the device over my skin. 
I found it made my skin feel hot, but not sore. It feels almost like a mini vacuum on your face, sucking out all the dirt and nasties. 

I then used a lot of moisturiser after to put some moisture back into my face. 

I used this once a week on just washed face, and I must admit the results are pretty amazing. 

I did have high hopes of doing a before and after shot, but it really doesn't do it any justice.... I have noticed a huge reduction in the size of my pores on my nose, I haven't had a under the skin spot in ages (you know the ones that are agony and impossible to burst) - that is unheard of for me. So this device for me has been a joy to use. 

You can pick one up here for £135.00

Have you tried anything like this before? Let me know in the comments below :)

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  1. I've never used a tool like this before - thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on it

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  2. Never tried it before and honestly I have lots of pores and black spots I wish I could take them away somehow.

  3. Wow this sounds really cool! Nice to hear it made a big difference on your skin :) I'd love to try this!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  4. Hayley Tea Party Beauty3 February 2017 at 13:54

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  5. Hayley Tea Party Beauty3 February 2017 at 13:55

    I love my PMD, and this has reminded me to dust it off and remember to use it more regularly. Great review :)

    <a href="> Hayley @ Tea Party Beauty </a>

  6. I used get a microdermabrasion treatment at a salon around two years ago, in hope that it would help my annoying spot scares and it did but I would always break out after, so it was kind of like a frustrating cycle! But i did defo see an improvement in my skin but I had to stop because those kind of treatments are pretty costly haha, so I'm defo going to be looking into the PMD! Have a great weekend :)

    Trishna xx

  7. I would love to try one of these but I'm a bit reluctant to pay the price!

    Corinne x

  8. Never heard of this before, will have to do a bit of digging to see what other people think of it

    19 by Chance | 1415

  9. Her Life She Loved4 February 2017 at 00:59

    This looks so good, I need to get one to try out! x

  10. I noticed a big change in my skin when I started to use this! xx

    Beautylymin| LuxuryFragranceGiveaway


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