February Favourites

February has been the worst month in a long time, but people made it this way - not products. So here are the things I have loved this month. 

1. Dior Gradient Eyeshadow Palette  £42.50 Full Post 
I have been loving this palette this month, everyone is sick of seeing it over on instagram, it really is perfection though, so so stunning! 

2. Clinique Matte Lipstick "Ruby Pop" £16.00 Full Post
This was lost in a bag for a few months, so it was like a new purchase when I found it again. I have been wearing it non stop this month. I love the feel of it, and the length of time it wears for. 

3. CoverFX Drops "Moonlight" £34.00 Full Post 
GLOW. This is the product you use if you just to glow from the heavens. I swear this with champagne pop over it will have you glowing more than Jaclyn herself. LOVE it. 

4. BarryM Gelly "Blueberry" £3.99
This is such a stunning spring shade. I feel like this is the perfect transition shade into spring/summer. Not quite ready to burst out the corals!

5. Yankee Home Inspiration Lemon Meringue £3.00 (Asda)
I have been obsessed with this Lemon scent this month. I feel like I am ready for my home to smell like summer again... I have finally given up on the gingerbread scents... for now anyways! 

6. Sanpellegrino Blood Orange £1.00
I LOVE these lemonade type drinks, and the blood orange one is flipping amazing. I love ordering these in restaurants or I will treat myself to one to have at home. I think these will be staples over summer this year, everyone is loving them too! 

7. The Yellow Coat £34.99
This coat is just perfection. It is SO me. I love it. 

8. The (Fake) Comme De Garcon Tshirt  £14.00
Yes yes buying replicas is BAD, but seriously so is having to spend £70 on a t-shirt. So yeah... don't feel overly bad. I mean it looks so cute! 

9. TV: Fresh Prince Of Bell Air
I'm pretty sure everyone is loving this now it is on Netflix. I love Will Smith, and him with Carlton is just perfection. Although watching as an adult I have serious love for Geoffrey now, his adult humour is fab - something I totally missed watching this as a young teen! 

10. Random Favourite: 
*grumble* February can piss off. Honestly not had a favourite this month. A few things have happened that has just gotten me seriously angry. So other than my friends, I have been humpfing in general. Onwards and upwards for March! 

I would be SUPER grateful if you could "Like" My blog page on Facebook (It's new and no one is on there) Add me HERE
Have you had a good month? What have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below 



  1. That coat looks so good on you! I REALLY want to try the Cover FX drops. I've seen you talk about it before and it's soooo glowy. Always love your pictures too, that background is soo amazing!

    Beckie xo // The Pale Tails

    1. MakeErinOver4 March 2017 at 09:30

      Thank you so much lovely! so sweet of you to say :)

  • Heres hoping your March is better lovely. And how much do I need those Cover FX drops in my life? OH GAWWWDDDDD!!!
    kate xx

    1. MakeErinOver4 March 2017 at 21:00

      They are SO good! and so worth it!

  • I'm dying to try the cover FX drops - i need them in my life!
    jen | velvet spring x

    1. MakeErinOver4 March 2017 at 21:01

      they are so good!

  • Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary4 March 2017 at 20:13

    been dying to try coverfx drops :)

    1. MakeErinOver4 March 2017 at 21:01

      They really are incredible!

  • Love that blue nail polish from Barry M - excited for spring/summer where you can move away from the wintery dark shades!

    Sammy x | www.cityofsimplicity.co.uk

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