Instagram: The Best Of Bold Accounts

For a long time Instagram felt very samey: marble, white, which is of course beautiful - but on occasion its nice to see something a bit different... so these are the accounts which seem to constantly brighten up my feed, make me wish I was as bold and as cool... my instagram goals...

ForeverYoursBetty // Blog 
Betty makes me wish my hair was orange. I could never pull off orange hair - but still. I love how it looks on her feed, having hair that fits in with your theme, perfection. She just always looks cool, effortless. She is also Scottish too - and has iolla glasses... basically she is awesome.


Labels For Lunch
I've never seen anyone else pull of a feed so different yet so cool. I love how her background is always a different colour, I love how much it stands out and just beams off the grid. It is the inspiration behind this post, I love it.


PipJolley // Shop
Pip's feed is just perfection. bright, cheerful.. I love it. I must admit, when she had a yellow fringe and orange hair it was just everything - but she sure does suit her orange full fringe.... I am definitely lusting for bright hair... but still. Her fashion choices are a bit wild, but somehow she just pulls it off and looks awesome when doing so - I want to be this effortless! 


Honey_Pop // Blog
Honey Pop Kisses is the pink haired glam I want to be. I love her short fringe, and the way she always seems so together. I love her pink suit too, total goals - her blog is pretty amazing too! 


*Shameless Plug*

I would love to get to a point where I am 100% happy with my Instagram, but all this post has taught me is that I want to dye my hair yellow and be cool - but alas I am not, so makeup it is. 
This is the first time in ages I have loved the look of my Instagram though, but I love yellow, so it was always going to be a winner. I wish I had done this years ago when I was attempting to go all white - it just isn't me! 

So there you go - my favourite, slightly different accounts to follow... who is your favourite to follow on Instagram?



  1. Followed you on Instagram - your feed is pretty & #goals :)

    1. Thank you so much lovely :)


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