March's Empties

New month, new empties. 

This month is definitely candle heavy, and there I was thinking I had improved my usage... Turns out not! Oh well :) 

So here are the things I have completely used up this month, hope you enjoy :) 

1. Champney's "a little pick me up"  (£6.50)
Seriously this stuff has lasted forever, almost 3 months to be exact - and I definitely don't use just a little bit... I use a  good 4-5 pumps each day. Beginning to feel the cost is more than justified. 200ml in one bottle, but it comes out as a mousse, amazing stuff! 

2. Aussie Miracle Moist Shampoo & Conditioner (£5.99 each full size)
Been using these after swimming, really is ideal for getting rid of the just been swimming feel out of your hair! :) 

3. Eve Lom Sample Rescue Mask (£35 50ml size)
I really HATED the smell of this, and it wasnt amazing enough to be anywhere near worth the cost. Instead I would recommend the Lush Fresh Face Masks. So much cheaper (and better) Go for the Love Lettuce, very similar to this, but smells a million times better and has the same results (sorry Eve Lom)

4. Boots Nail Varnish Remover Pads (£1.50)
I have been through so many of these now, they really are the best out there, even better than quickies in my opinion :) 

The candles... 

-An epic 59 tea lights. 
-7 wax melts (mostly the glade Apple ones) 
-A reed infused thing from Tesco in Salted Caramel 
-A pear woodwick candle
-A berry trifle small Yankee 
-And the cranberry pear large Yankee. (you can read about this here)

Yes I have issued when it comes to candles, I just love them :) 

What have you used up this month? What candles are you loving? Let me know in the comments below :)


  1. You get through a lot of candles! Haha. I recently just did an empties post (from Jan and Feb) and I think the standout product of that was the Body Shop Body Polish in Strawberry. Absolutely loved it!

    Katie |

    1. will need to try this, it sounds lovely :)

  • ElaBellaWorld14 March 2016 at 22:44

    I've only used up shampoo&conditioner and shower gel. I am really bad at finishing products, when I get close to the end, I stop using it ha ha! Also I managed to finish a few candles which was a surprise for me :)

    Ela BellaWorld

    1. im like that with the expensive things lol, never want to finish them!

  • Monica Hein ~ Beauty Diary14 March 2016 at 23:53

    OMg so many candles! I can never burn so much :)

  • Little Fickle15 March 2016 at 13:01

    That's a serious amount of candles! I'm absolutely obsessed with candles; I'm so so looking forward to getting myself a Woodwick candle on payday.

    Sammy xo.

  • Jennifer - Barely There Beauty15 March 2016 at 16:40

    I'm after a new lovely body wash or something of the like so will have to check out Champneys, this sounds like the Rituals ones!

    www.Barely There | British Beauty & Lifestyle blog


  • So many candles, I never seem to light might! I'll have to try out the Aussie miracle moist line, I'm a swimmer and I need something to combat the chlorine x

  • I'm a huge candle lover too, Erin! I practically always have a candle burning :)

    Edye //


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