So here is my warning, some of you may be shocked by how little my stash is, others may think its over the top. But I overthink EVERYTHING I buy, and any makeup I do buy tends to be to treat myself, because of this you will see a lot of highend.. quality over quantity.
So yes here is all my blushes. ALL of them. All loved and used.
I have ten in total, plus a palette which really upsets me (I have Makeup OCD, and I cannot store this with my other blushes... it annoys me way more than it should lol)

I love blush, it has to be one of my favourite products to buy and swatch, it is also something I will buy just for the packaging. Ooops! But recently I have been really happy with what I have, so the last time I added to my stash was November. Go me. lol.
I cannot link up them all, so here is my top 5.
I definitely prefer a muted dusty pink blush, HourGlass Ambient Lighting in "Mood Exposure" (£32.00) and MAC's "blushbaby" (£18.50) are my ultimate go to. Thanks to my pale skin blush can end up pretty disasterous. But these just gives me the glow I want without looking like coco the clown, which is never a good look.
For a more pinker look the blush half of Ciate's OP "Bluff Point" (£25.00) is the perfect go to, it really is the perfect duo. Cannot fault this (especially when I got it for a fraction of the price at TK Maxx)
For a cream blush I always go for the Chanel Blush in "Revelation" (£28.00) A little really does go a long way with this, but working with it gives such a natural finish... it has really changed my mind about cream blushes (I am really tempted to go for another one of these)
Shoutout to the high street with "First Kiss" from Seventeen (£2.99) I love this product (even if I do hate the twisty packaging) but for a couple of pounds really cannot complain... I would happily recommend this to anyone new to makeup.. it really is lovely to work with :)

So there are my top 5, not that I have very much to choose from! How many blush do you own? and what is your favourites? let me know in the comments below :)
You've got a great collection of blush's! I really want the hourglass one, its such a lovely shade x
It really is! Well worth going for :)
DeleteYou seem to be into pink toned blushes :) I'm not a blush person so I don't have that many, I guess over 5 but I have some of these on my radar, starting from HG mood exposure!
ReplyDeleteEla BellaWorld
Mood exposure is such a good colour for people not really into blushes, it gives more of a glow than a colour - I love it :)