So I thought I would let you know which ones I have been doing, what works for me, and most importantly... the results.
So I have been blogging for around 9 months when I started this, I let my blog grow naturally over this time, I would comment on other blogs, upload to instagram and attempt to improve the look and feel of my blog/photos but not much more than that. I don't think anyone realises how much time you need to spend not blogging to grow a blog... know what I mean? So I decided at the start of 2016 that I was wanting to make more time for my blog and help it to grow to where I would like it to be, mainly to interact more with others. So here is what I have done over the past month.
1. Comment, Comment, Comment.
On everything. Comment back on all comments left. Comment on 10 blogs per day. Comment on Instagram posts, Twitter posts. Just talk. A LOT.
2. Follow, Follow, Follow.
Follow 10 new blogs per day on Bloglovin', Instagram & Twitter.. at least.
3. Be Regular, Approachable and Predictable.
I have really been focussing on my aim to post every two days at 8.30am, once that post goes live I then respond to all comments left on my last post then go onto their blogs and leave comments on their latest posts etc. Just make a good effort. I have also been using twitter chats mainly #TheGirlGang & #lbloggers.
4. Twitter is AWESOME. (and so is Hootsuit)
Seriously why did I not discover twitter sooner? The key to twitter I have found is to use and abuse it, schedule tweets every few hours at least, you'll soon see traffic jump up. Use the chats, use the hashtags, just use it. Chat to anyone and everyone. It has helped me so much this month (plus I have been speaking to people who are just awesome!)
5. Stats Matter
As much as we all like to say they don't lets face it... we all have had moments where our views are high and we just think YES! So they do count. So I have been fixing Broken Links, I now have little to none on here, I also have been making sure my content and comments are longer in length, not rambling but solid content. I have also been referencing & linking everything... not only will your followers thank you for that - google will too. The Google Analytics app is also pretty good for seeing when you are busiest.
So there is the 5 things I have picked up on the most this month, most of my tips have come from Corrine over at SkinnedCartree (seriously she is a hub of knowledge) but I have made up a group of my favourite posts which you can view here (bloglovin' link) (Make sure to follow me while you are there!)
So onto the fun bits, how my blog has grown this month. Please bare in mind my google analytics was not set up properly to begin with, so the low stats are not accurate. Also I had my operation mid month, so the dip reflects my recovery time.
Blog Views: 4,506 (up 1,336 compared to January)
Bloglovin: 219 (up 119 compared to January)
Twitter: 500 (up 436 compared to January)
Instagram: 948 (up 90 compared to January)
I really hope you enjoyed having a nosey at my stats from February, do you have any tips or recommendations? Let me know in the comments below if you found this helpful in anyway or at least interesting! Nothing to hide here :)
Good luck with your goals, darling! Your blog is super amazing and you put so much work and love into it - I'm sure it will keep growing, and you'll become the next Zoella soon enough! :) <3
Good luck with your goals. I cannot recommend commenting enough - it's honestly the best way to grow your blog, and your readership and I make sure I do around 100 comments a week if I have time :) xx
ReplyDeleteGemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie
I love your blog and this post is so inspiring! Good luck with everything!
This is such a good post. These are really great tips for me as a new blogger. I'm sure this blog will go places! Good luck with everything! xx
ReplyDeleteDestiny | msbeautyglam.com
Oh wow, you're doing very well! I definitely notice that leaving thoughtful comments on other blogs helps me, and it's interesting to read what everyone's up to as well! I haven't gotten a Twitter yet though.
ReplyDeleteAngelina Is | Bloglovin'