Excuse me while I take a moment just to love my new makeup bag. It is so pretty. (It's from Primark £5)
The bag has 4 seperate compartments, two big ones either side and a detatchable smaller one that folds in the middle.
Anyways This is what I am taking with me to haven. I hate packing makeup - I want to take it all, but these are my favourites and what I decided to go for hope you enjoy :)
(oh and im sorry for the pic quality - turns out taking pictures through plastic is awful - lesson learned)

The first compartment contains my base. Tiny travel size of my Primer to begin with. Then I picked up Estee Lauder's double wear on Friday, so thought I would throw myself in the deepend with it and only take this. (watch out, review will be coming after Haven make sure to subscribe to my bloglovin or IG for updates (shameless plug ha)) For concealers I brought my Nars and Rimmel Wake Me Up. Primer for my eyes and the Naked Flushes pallette for my Blush/Highlight/bronzer. The last little tub is for correcting my eyes once I smeer fallout eyeshadow all over my face... classy.

Next up is the MAC palette. No words can desribe this beauty. This can also Double for my brows. My Chanel Madmoiselle fit perfectly on the side. And my Brushes are hidden under.

The little compartments I decided to pack fill of my eyeliner and lip pencils, brow gel, mascara and a little bronzer just in case. Girl needs options!

Last up is always the worst part of going away. Deciding what Lipstick you want to take. Urgh the stress!
I decided to take five. The newest one is from Elizabeth Arden, freebie when I bought my Double Wear. A shimmery pink.. its not me at all but if I am ever gonna wear it - its when I have limited options.
Two purples. Rimmel 30 a bold Purple, then YSL in 32 a soft plum colour.
For my Nude I picked Velvet Teddy. Then a random Bold from MAC Men Love Mystery.
I'm not gonna lie, im pretty sure a few extras will creep into my handbag, but this is enough surely?
What is your packing routine? what lipstick do you just need to take? and thoughts and opinions on double wear? Leave me a comment in the section below :)
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