The Recap

1. Clinique Pop Lipstick - Didn't purchase, was too distracted at MAC and their new matte's... damn.
2. Soap & Glory Foamous - I just couldnt bear to spend £6.50 on shower gel when original source is £1.... i will splurge eventually!
3. New Bedroom accessories! - This I have been splashing cash on! can't wait to find the final few bits then share with you all :)
4. The Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette - See Below.
5. Real Techniques bold metal brushes - Purchased.
6. Lego - Purchased and built. Can view AJ's Lego creations here.
September's Wish List
1. MAC Soft & Gentle (£24.00) - I swatched this last time I was in store, and now I need it. Damn, I need to stay away from that counter, evil!
2. Next Jumper (£32.00) - I freaking love jumpers, it's a tad crazy but I love autumn just because it's jumper weather, and this one needs to be added to my collection, perfectly autumnal, cosy and oversized, and will look cute with my little denim collar.
3. Next Fairy Lights (£12.00) - my bedroom is almost finished, at last! The only thing I am missing is lighting, and these would look adorable around my headboard, also need a table lamp... But would rather waste money on cute little things like this apparently hehe.
4. MAC Whirl (£16.50) - I need it. Still. I swear the minute it comes back into stock it shall be mine, not that I need anymore nude lipsticks... But that's not the point, it's too beautiful not to have.
5. MAC Eyeshadows x3 (£10.00) - I am so close to finishing my MAC palette, 3 spaces left. I have decided I need a pink, a blue and a purple... Anyone have any top picks? I get so overwhelmed at the counter, do the standard picking up all the ones I already have and then leaving with nothing. help, I need suggestions :)
6. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette (£60.00-£70.00) - 3 wish lists now this has been in, and it will remain here until it's released and I get my hands on it. So beautiful, need need need!
What are you needing this month? Any recommendations for me? Let me know in the comments below, would love to know! Thank you for stopping by, it really does mean a lot :)
All photos used are from the site they are linked to. No copyright intended.
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