Discovering my Hair Goals for 2020 with FIN&CO (Carnoustie) #hairgoals2020*

*This post contains a Gifted Service 

Fin&Co are starting a new hashtag for their clients, asking them to really think about the goals they have for their hair - simple or extreme. Bold colour changes to growing it all out. So they kindly invited me along to start off my #hairgoals2020 - so of course, I just had to share the experience. 

Goal #1

The undercut was my best friend for about 18 months. I loved the way it thinned out my hair, made it sit a little better, reduced my drying time etc - I did a full post on it here.  But, with the start of my placements, hair always up and styles limited - I decided it was time to grow it out. Little did I realise that growing out an undercut would be so soul-destroying. I wasn't prepared to go full-on and just go short-short - which left me having a stubble/frizzy mess under my hair for about 6 months. The full time I spent hiding my hair. Wearing it down, crafting it up so it would be hidden - crying in the bathroom over how terrible it looked - and complaining how I couldn't wear my hair in cute styles thanks to the mullet I was hiding under my hair. 

When I walked into Fin&Co just a few days after New Year - my only hair goal for 2020 was to get rid of the undercut and finally be happy with my hair again. I couldn't see past it, I couldn't think colours, styles, condition - when all I could think about was how badly I hated my hair. The decision was made then and there to cut off my longer hair - and cut in my undercut. I didn't care about the style, as long as it was gone. Luckily, Pam did care about the style - and cut my hair into the cute little inverted bob I now have. Not only is my undercut gone - my new short hair sits beautifully, and the colour removed my greys and the shine is incredible - as always. 

Even more surprisingly I am loving my short hair... it doesn't take long to dry, it sits well both straightened and air-dried... but most importantly... I am no longer ashamed of my mullet. I can wear my hair in french braids or pigtails without worrying about how it looks at the back... 1st hair goal of 2020: Completed. 

Goal #2

In the past two years, I have had my hair blonde, rose gold, brown, darker brown, long and short. I can never decide what I like most. I need to play around with my hair more and decide how I like my hair. Right now I'm enjoying my short hair with no undercut - but is this how I want my hair longterm? Who knows! The joy of hair is that it grows back - so I can play around with it as much as I want. The options are endless... just not Platinum Blonde.

I highly recommend Fin&Co in Carnoustie - they really are incredible. I've been going to them for two years now, and have never been disappointed with a cut or colour. Their customer service is always incredible and it's always good coffee and a good blether. Who needs anything else in a hair salon? 

You can find Fin&Co here, Facebook here and on IG here, or at:
1A High Street,
Tel: 01241 852321


 *PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

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