Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, etc.
I feel we are all now trying to reduce the amount of plastic we are using, for good reasons too. Some changes I had made years ago, others are new. But I thought I would talk through the bits I have been loving - and why I am enjoying them way more than their disposable counterparts.
I will place links where I can, but overall they have all saved me money changing over too.

I've been using Face Cloths now for well over two years. WHY would you use wipes when face clothes are available? They are 1000x better for your face. Caroline Hirons preaches all day long, throw your wipes away and get some face cloths and a good cleanser. My absolute favourite face cloths are the Magnitone Wipe Out Cloths* (£15.00). They are more expensive - but so worth it. Either way, throw away your wipes. They are bad for your face and the environment. You can get Good Face Cloths here for 75p!
I've recently (over the past two months) made the switch onto Minky & Bamboo makeup removal pads to replace the cotton rounds. These are SO much better to their disposable counterparts. They are huge (11cm across), are so soft and so easy to use. I love the Cheeky Wipe Reusable Makeup Removal Wipes Kit (£6.95 for 5). I've found that 10 is definitely enough to last me.
Pssst and those of you who use cotton rounds to clean out your wax burners just run them under the hot tap for 30 seconds, it does the trick just as well!
For AJ's wipe usage (face and hands) I have also swapped onto the Microfibre Cheeky Wipes (£7.00). These aren't recommended for bums, but you can get those too in Terry fabric (My friend highly recommends them!).

I honestly cannot remember the last time I used kitchen roll or bathroom/kitchen wipes. Goodbye kitchen roll, goodbye wipes. Microfibre cloths are definitely better all round. The ones I use are cheap and cheerful - from B&M, super cheap. But they wash up beautifully - and clean beautifully too. These ones from Amazon are 4 for £3. Well worth switching over. I used them in the car too.

N A P P I E S & S A N I T A R Y T O W E L S
before some of you get freaked out, let me convince you. I cloth nappied AJ. This was 7 years ago almost. I LOVED them, not only are they better for the environment and better for babies - they are also cute as hell too. Babies typically potty train quicker when you use cloth nappies - they are also less likely to have nappy rash too. AJ loved them, and so did I. SO cute. For the poop, we used flushable liners. So toilet roll type material which would catch the poop to be taken out and flushed, then the full nappy would go into the wash without the poop. If you want to check them out properly I loved Fill Your Pants for their range. You can also save a fortune with cloth nappies ;)
My most recent switch was over to cloth sanitary towels. It just seemed like the logical next step for me. I have been enjoying the Cheeky Wipes Cloth Sanitary Pad Liners (£3.30 each). I find the liners to be sufficient for me, and about 10 would be enough. They definitely take time to get used to - but overall I have been really enjoying them.

*PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer
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