Christmas has now come and gone, it feels odd because I feel like it completely flew in, like I blinked and missed it. But anyway, I thought I would share all the goodies I was lucky enough to get from my lovely family and Ben.
I should probably add in here, that my friends and I no longer do presents for one another, as the majority of us have kids. So we do presents for the kiddies instead. It works out better for everyone. My family also don't go crazy either, again because I have a son, I would prefer he had a magical amazing christmas! So although compared to some posts similar, this looks small, I feel very spoilt this year, and couldn't be happier with everything I got!

Ben ended up at mine for Christmas, which was my favourite part to be fair, we lay in bed for 3 days, only leaving the house to walk the dog and get food, it was exactly what I needed after spending so long so stressed out with work, college, and just well - life. I needed an escape, and it was the perfect way to just destress.
He completely spoiled me again, I got the Missoma E necklace. He very kindly bought me the Horn for my birthday, so to have the E now too- which just feel so special. As they are tiered, they look stunning on together (and surprisingly don't get tangled at all). I haven't had them off since.
He also is very good at listening to me complain about odd things, like my camera running out of battery, then being unable to use it while it's charging (and then missing all the good lighting) - so he bought me two new batteries for my Olympus, which have come in handy already! I also stupidly lost my Olympus Lens Cap in Berlin, which he replaced for my Christmas :)

He also was listening to me complain about the lack of purple pens in the Steadier 10 Pen pack (I love the 1.0mm for revision notes) so he very kindly hunted out the Staedtler 1.0mm 40 pack, which has every colour imaginable. Honestly SO excited to use these (Lame I know lol)
He also got the Illustrated Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone, which I have wanted since it realeased. I cannot wait to read these with AJ at bed time, I hope he wants to listen for the length of a book!
He also got me a pair of bright yellow socks and enough Percey Pigs (in every variety and flavour) to do me a year. I LOVE Percey, he is my favourite pig to eat. AJ calls them "Special Sweeties" cause they are SO good. Thanks Ben! :)

My sweet Mum & Step Dad got me the cutest little Pink House from the Christmas Markets (Which I stupidly left at theirs so isn't photographed, but follow me on IG to see!). You can put a candle and oil in and the Chimney smokes. It is just completely lovely. LOVE it so much. *cries cause it isn't here*
She also has a Radley Outlet nearby, which is SO good, so she replaced my old Radley Purse with a new one! In the exact same style and shape, but in a different colour - which is exactly what I wanted, as my old one was horrible after 3+ years.
She also got me other bits and pieces, Mum things. *ya'know

From everyone else I got the usual, pyjamas (x3) socks, pants, chocolates, smellies. My auntie got me a Duck with Wellies on which is now in my kitchen. My Gran got me a Next Voucher, and my cousin very kindly got me the Woodwick Pineapple Candle. I have been lusting after it for SO long, she didn't even realise too, she bought it just because it was Yellow. She also very kindly got me a MAC voucher (Which I have spent already!)
I am so grateful to the presents I got this year, I have been SO lucky, so kind of everyone. We were also lucky enough to get snow on Boxing day too, so this Christmas really was magical.
If you are interested to see what AJ got, he will hopefully be doing a What I got For Christmas on my IG stories tomorrow, so make sure to follow me on @MakeErinOver to see! :)
What did you get for Christmas? Let me know in the comments below!
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