The December Life Update: Christmas Markets, Dog Snowmen and SO MUCH COLLEGE WORK

This month seems to have flown by, simply because I have been SO overwhelmed with college work, seeing Ben as much as possible, and getting ready for Berlin! (I LEAVE TODAY!) So here is this month's update, everything have been up to this month :) 

D A R C E Y     T H E     S N O W G I R L 

have you ever tried to Dress up a dog? Not as easy as it looks, especially when she is a spaniel, and especially when the bit for the ears really isn't big enough for her awesome ears. Either way it was so worth it - she looks ADORABLE! I cannot get enough of this picture! :) 

Ben and I have done so much this month. Darcey came up one weekend, the following we went to a panto in St Andrews, and most recently we went to the Christmas Markets in Edinburgh, it was fab fun :) 

B E I N G     S I L L Y    -   A S     A L W A Y S 

AJ and I have just been busy with life this month, we haven't had much of a chance to do anything out of the ordinary other than a hair cut and nativity. We are well overdue some Mum & Son time. Thank goodness it's almost holiday time! :)

E D I N B U R G H     C H R I S T M A S     M A R K E T S 

Ben and I went to Edinburgh for the day last weekend for a little day trip, Edinburgh is about 1 hour away from me, so pretty close, and we got to go on the tram into the centre, very exciting. (Ben hadn't been on one yet either!) 

Edinburgh was so so nice this time of year. I would highly recommend checking it out - Christmas to the max. I loved the stalls, the waffles looked incredible, I loved the fudge. My favourite has to be these little smoke houses. You put candles in them and they smoke out the chimneys!! I don't know why I love them so much - but I wish I had got one, they are so so cute. 

A L L     T H E     C O L L E G E     W O R K 

Mostly the past month has been consumed with college work. I have been feeling SO overwhelmed with it all, it just all seemed to hit at once too. All the essays for English, assessments in Sociology and experiments and tests on Human Cells in Biology. Human Cells really are complicated. 

On a HUGE upside, I got an Interview for Midwifery at uni already - SO HAPPY. But now I am terrified *fingers crossed they want me*

What have you been up to this month? Anything exciting? Let me know in the comments below. 


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