I recently finally purchased my first Jo Malone candle, part of the run up to Christmas was to feature the candle as part of my IG feed, and feature it has *IT'S SO PRETTY* But was it worth it?
The whole idea of spending £45.00 on a candle to me was somewhat ridiculous last year - I wouldn't have even considered it, but as time went on, the more I wanted to try it, just to see what the fuss was all about. Everyone loves a Jo Malone candle, they have a cult status amongst us bloggers in particular.
The main reason for me holding off on purchasing one is I burn A LOT of candles, a typical candle of the same shape and size would take me less than 2 weeks to get through, and I wasn't ok with starting a £25 a week candle habit.
So four weeks ago now I made the purchase, TREAT YO SELF and all, but since then I have been terrified to burn it and use it. Call me crazy, but I am struggling to set fire to it, I just know how I am going to want one all the time, so the quicker I go through them, the more I need to buy them.

So Ben noticed that I was terrified of using my Jo Malone two weeks ago, so he decided to pick up an Isle Of Skye Candle in the same pine scent, for me to burn instead. Is it better? No, but I would say it is just as good and gives half the amount of guilt at half the cost.
I find they both burn beautifully, each produce 45hr burn time, but the Isle Of Skye has more wax to use up. Both have the same luxe vibe and simple packaging with the green label.
Would I repurchase either?
Well, I already have bought 3 more of the Isle Of Skye, they were on 3 for 2, so yes.
The Jo Malone, I am still unsure. I have loved it, there is no doubting their quality, and they are worth the hype... I'm just not sure if I would be able to spend £45.00 on repeat. Maybe just as a treat, but I would definitely want another :)
Have you splashed out on a Jo Malone Candle before? Who is your favourite candle brand? Let me know in the comments below! :)
Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't affect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)
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