The minute I seen Eve I knew I had to try them. A Yellow brand you say? YES! It also helped I was in desperate need for a new mattress (My last one was 15+ Years old) I have had my mattress now for a month and I cannot imagine ever going back to another one now.
With my combined love for their mattresses + the yellow aspect I just felt as if I needed to worth with Eve. Now, i'm never condoning begging on twitter, but I totes begged Eve to notice me. Like HEY EVE we are made for one another... and guess what? They agreed! How cool is that? I LOVE when brands recognise bloggers and you end up working with a brand you love already... the best kind of collaborations!
So very kindly eye sent me across their new addition to their line up - the towels. They come in two standard colours - grey and white and also in two sizes - hand and body. They also sent me one of their blogger exclusives - the dressing gown, which is white with yellow piping. It is super special to have, and I am guessing very limited, so I promise I won't tell you it's incredible (Even though it kinda is)

At home, AJ & I spend far too long wrapped up in towels. The feeling of lying in bed cuddled up, scrolling through twitter and catching up with YouTube is almost irresistible, especially after the painstaking effort of hair washing *blech!*
Seriously though AJ and I will lie on my bed for 30-60 minutes at night. Cuddled up and catching up, with a heavy schedule like ours it can be hard for us to get some time just us. He will tell me all about his day, I will get him to brush my hair - either way we are spending time together - which means the world to me.

The towels have been a very welcome addition to our house, their size is a HUGE factor to me, if they aren't big enough to cuddle up in then what is the point? lol, the bath sheet is gigantic (100x150cm to be exact) so there is more than enough room to be cosy and covered from armpit to knees for me, and neck to feet to AJ. The hand towel is the perfect size for hair drying too, but at 50x125cm it is big enough for AJ to use too, but he doesn't cause he is toad who apparently "needs" the big towel (and if he had his way he would have my mattress too!)

The Eve Towels also have their innovative tab strip along the side, this is surprisingly SO useful, hanging them is super simple, and tucking them through keeps them fastened without any effort, as you can see AJ likes that part.
And as for the colours, White & Grey. I personally think they need a yellow option, but i'm not mad over it. I would have loved the white - but Children + White = disaster (Especially with something he wipes his face on!)

Overall, I am really not surprised at the high quality of the Towels, their mattresses are beautiful, so it makes sense to think they put the same level of care and attention into their other products too. Consider me an Eve Enthusiast now, they are fab!
You can purchase the Eve Towels here for £15-£25 each
Have you tried anything from Eve yet? Do you love high quality homeware? Let me know in the comments below! :)
*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!)
Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)
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