2017 Favourites: Beauty, Lifestyle, Everything.

It's gonna be a long one guys, but hey, grab yourself a cuppa and enjoy, if you want to see all the goodies I have been LOVING this year, everything from makeup, skincare, TV and general lifestyle bits, this is everything I love, all in one post.  

December: Skincare Favourites

Skincare is something I have really been loving this month. The weather is so crappy that I have been really taking advantage of the goodies to make me feel a little more alive. 

December Favourites 2017

December Favourites can often be swallowed up in the 2017 favourites, but these items still definitely  deserve a mention, so here they are. 

Candle Showdown: Is Jo Malone Worth it?

I recently finally purchased my first Jo Malone candle, part of the run up to Christmas was to feature the candle as part of my IG feed, and feature it has *IT'S SO PRETTY* But was it worth it? 

First Impressions: Mario Badescu Skincare

First Impressions: Mario Badescu Skincare

It has been a while since I placed an online skincare order, but when Beauty Bay had their 30% off sale for Black Friday I thought it would be the perfect excuse to pick up a few bits from them to try. 

Mario Badescu is spoken about all the time online, so I thought I would pick up the two items I seem to hear the most about, the Facial Spray with aloe, herbs and rosewater and their drying lotion. 

A Very Yellow Christmas Wishlist

Just in case you missed the memo... I think my favourite colour is yellow. I really like it, the colour of sunshine and happiness. Well, it makes me happy anyway.

Travelling with AJ: Berlin 2017

I apologise in advance, this post is going to be SO picture heavy. But I wanted to be selfish and bombard you all with our best holiday snaps, so here they are! :) 

We stayed at the Novum Select Hotel right next to Checkpoint Charlie, we took the hop on hop off bus EVERYWHERE, (I highly recommend this, its fab) and we lost a hat, found a hat, explored, and I spent two days shouting "AJ come back" FUN! 

But seriously though, it was amazing. I am exhausted, but overall, it was so worth it. Travelling just the two of us was an experience, but one I would do again and again. If you want a post on exactly how that went let me know, but here is our snaps! Hope you enjoy :)

LANAIBLO Hair Dryer Review*

LANAIBLO Hair Dryer Review*

psssst. It has my NAME ON IT! How cool is that? 

I love the colour, the name options, the actual hairdryer... this is an all-around winner to me. I have been loving using this and trying it out. 

Bobbi Brown: Caviar & Rubies Eyeshadow Palette + Swatches

I don't think I have ever seen anything as beautifully perfect as this. Bobbi Brown, you have won my heart with a simply stunning, everyday palette. 

The December Life Update: Christmas Markets, Dog Snowmen and SO MUCH COLLEGE WORK

This month seems to have flown by, simply because I have been SO overwhelmed with college work, seeing Ben as much as possible, and getting ready for Berlin! (I LEAVE TODAY!) So here is this month's update, everything have been up to this month :) 

Happiness Boutique Jewellery*

Is anyone else super excited? I am so ready for it now, bring it on Santa. I know as much as I am ready for Christmas Day mentally, I still haven't finished Christmas shopping. AJ is completely done, but my family - not so much!
Some people are near impossible to buy for, but if you are looking for any last minute recommendation for anyone who loves anything sparkly and beautiful, I highly recommend checking out Happiness Boutique. Their jewellery is so stunning.

Autumn Empties 2017

I love reading an empties post, there is something so satisfying about seeing an empty product - then getting to hear the final thoughts on it. Empties is something I have done since starting the blog, and it isn't something I ever plan on stopping - its refreshing to discuss binning rather than buying - even if I will head out and repurchase lol. So here is the bits I have used up the past few months! 

InStyler GLOSSIE Ceramic Styling Brush*

Say hello to my newest favourite. Ever since this has arrived I haven't used my straighteners. And to me, that is a big deal. I have been a hair straight enthusiast since around 2003, back in the days when you weren't anyone unless your hair was poker straight to within an inch of its life - and you just had to have a pair of GHDs. 

Since then my hair hasn't changed. Simply because my hair is SUPER thick - so curling isn't an option for me, and thanks to all my volume - it just cannot stay naturally straight without looking ridiculous. So for 15 years, I have been a slave to my hair straighteners. 

December: Best Blog Posts

Welcome to the latest addition to my monthly roundup of posts. I thought it would be a good idea to share the posts that have really caught my attention this month - whether they are bigger blogs or smaller ones - it is all about the content. 

So here is the first instalment. The posts I have loved this month. If you want to know how you could be featured, check the final paragraph of this post! :) 

First Impressions: Tropic*

Can we please take a moment to appreciate packaging. The packaging on this is BEAUTIFUL. To the point I cannot bin it, it is still sitting on my window despite my constant use of the items - but packaging aside, the products are beautiful too.

World Duty Free: Holiday To Berlin Wishlist*

One of the best parts of going on holiday is the trip through World Duty Free. I am yet to meet anyone who doesn't get just a little bit excited over the idea of a nose around those discounts. Not to mention the thrill of holiday is enough to make you want to spend all your holiday cash then and there. Who needs to eat when you can spend all your money on makeup right??? Just me? Ok then... 

So I thought I would compile a list in advance for all the bits I will be looking out for next weekend when AJ & I go to Berlin, so here it is, my favourites - the things I will be wanting. 

Case App: Christmas/Customised Phone Cases*

Some people like to live on the edge, go phone case-less like rebels and risk the ever looming disaster of a cracked screen... I am not one of those people, I am firmly in the case and screen protector camp. Call it care, call it anxiety - either way you won't ever see me without a phone case on my phone.

Just thinking about it makes me feel a little ill. Especially with how clumsy I am, my poor phone is bound to get some abuse. 

Janina Ultra White Teeth Whitening Range (AD)

This post is a paid collaboration with Janina

I think everyone is now obsessed with having pearly white teeth - myself included, but I hadn't really thought about doing something to whiten them yet. Sure I have used toothpaste boasting of having whitening properties, but its hard to actually see if it has been working. Needless to say I accepted the challenge from Janina, and I have been loving the process. 

My main concern for teeth whitening is always sensitivity, I have such a fear of ending up with super sensitive teeth - mainly because I do not want to live my life without ice cream. I can happily say my teeth are not sensitive at all after using all of these for 3-4 weeks - even after the 5 day intense treatment! 

A Love Of EVE: The Towels*

The minute I seen Eve I knew I had to try them. A Yellow brand you say? YES! It also helped I was in desperate need for a new mattress (My last one was 15+ Years old)  I have had my mattress now for a month and I cannot imagine ever going back to another one now. 

With my combined love for their mattresses + the yellow aspect I just felt as if I needed to worth with Eve. Now, i'm never condoning begging on twitter, but I totes begged Eve to notice me. Like HEY EVE we are made for one another... and guess what? They agreed! How cool is that? I LOVE when brands recognise bloggers and you end up working with a brand you love already... the best kind of collaborations! 

So very kindly eye sent me across their new addition to their line up - the towels. They come in two standard colours - grey and white and also in two sizes - hand and body. They also sent me one of their blogger exclusives - the dressing gown, which is white with yellow piping.  It is super special to have, and I am guessing very limited, so I promise I won't tell you it's incredible (Even though it kinda is) 

World Duty Free: Benefit Defined & Refined Brows*

World Duty Free: Benefit Defined & Refined Brows*

I think the majority of us would agree that benefit SLAY brows and their packaging, it is one brand that is consistently good when it comes to brow and their taming. So to find a value set like this is fantastic, especially when you save even more money by purchasing from Duty Free.

First Impressions: DHC Skincare*

I felt like I was the only blogger left who hadn't tried DHC skincare. I have seen the iconic cleanser everywhere now, so I couldn't wait to try it out along with the latest addition to their range - the Astaxanthin Collagen. So here is my thoughts and first impressions of them both, after using them for just over 3 weeks!