July: Goals, Wishes & Regrets

Another month another wish list. Welcome to July. It's summer holidays, so I have lots of plans for this summer, as always these posts just round up what I am looking for this month, and the things I am regretting :) 

GOALS //...

  • Loose 5lbs - this is always in my goals and it never happens. At least I can aim ok? lol
  • Hit 5,500 on IG - Currently at 5,026
  • Hit 6,000 on Twitter - Currently at 5,866
  • Hit 1,600 on Bloglovin' - I am at 1,562
  • ENJOY the two weeks AJ is away. Last time my son went away I was just lost, and I really struggled to use the time productively. This time I aim to decorate my living room, schedule loads of posts, tidy my flat. Just do things I couldn't do if he was home. 
  • Paint the Livingroom (again) right now its had 2 coats of white, it needs one more and then one wall wallpapered :) 
  • Get a tan? Hahahaha. JK, I burn. 

WISHES //...

  • Whistles Yellow Hello Sunshine Tshirt (£35.00) - This was sent to me by @NorthernBeautyBlogger on instagram and I LOVE it. So so much, but it is whistles, and its so expensive :(  
  • MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation  (£23.50)  - I really want to try this. My nose is a nightmare for being oily, so this will be fab to not only mattify, but to conceal again while I am out and about. 
  • River Island Yellow Coat (£55.00) - Caitlin hates it. I love it. It is the marmite coat. But it is YELLOW. and I want it lol 


  • The UD heat palette, I'm glad I bought it to try. But it isn't worth the hype at all, glad I sold it. You can read my full post on it here.
  • Not buying the Jeffree Star Androgyny palette sooner. Seriously it is so nice and it blends like an absolute DREAM! I love it!



  1. The Girl In The Tartan Scarf10 July 2017 at 15:29

    Ok I think you NEED that yellow jacket!! Hope you reach all your goals lovely! ❤️❤️
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  2. Aw you're bound to miss your son but keeping busy will make the time fly. Best of luck with your goals! xx


  3. Whaaaat, that's such a shame about the UD palette. Before I read this I really wanted to try it, glad I didn't now.

    Little Moon Elephant

  4. Best of luck with all your goals. I'm finding that my Bloglovin is growing but soooo slowly! I do wish it would hurry up a little lol x


  5. Back To You Beauty10 July 2017 at 20:17

    Haha! What a great little idea for a post! Really enjoyed reading it x

  6. Heather Nixon10 July 2017 at 20:23

    That yellow coat looks gorgeous! I have a yellow leather jacket - I need to wear it more x


  7. I love this post so much! It's such a great idea to organise your goals and ideas into one post and summarise what you want to achieve! You have inspired me to do something like this, I need to look back on my goals to focus myself! It's a shame about the UD palette, I hope you achieve your goals this month :) xxx

  8. Beauty Drama Queen10 July 2017 at 21:51

    I love your goal posts! I need to get more goal orientated! Enjoy some time for yourself! X x

  9. I need to set myself some goals this year. I'm not the best of keeping to them though x

  10. beautyqueenuk10 July 2017 at 23:10

    I am wishing you luck with your goals and buy the jacket!

  11. You're so close to your Bloglovin goal! Fingers crossed you reach them all (I'm sure you will!) x

  12. Lauren Catherine11 July 2017 at 00:14

    Love this kind of post Erin, can't believe it's Summer. Let's hope we see some sun, loving that yellow coat xx

  13. Michelle Croft11 July 2017 at 00:18

    This is a great post idea. I love it! I really need to rerad the Urban Decay Naked Heat Palette reveiw. I love mine, so curious what you didn't.
    Michelle xx | www.thisismybliss.com.au
    IG: @shellie_belle_

  14. I'm eyeing up that whistles top too! Xx

  15. Good luck with your goals :) I am buying the JS palette for my daughter for her birthday, and you should get the jacket :) xxxx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  16. Laura Louise11 July 2017 at 22:29

    I love that River Island jacket ! Good luck with your goals x

  17. You NEED that river island jacket it looks stunning! Good luck with your July goals :)

    Heather xox

  18. Allure La Vie12 July 2017 at 09:59

    Great post love. It's great you mangaged to sell the UD palette x

  19. Well done on all those social stat goals!



  20. fashion for lunch13 July 2017 at 00:57

    You are so good to set goals! I'm so jealous! I never do !

  21. I've completely given up on my Instagram goals! It used to be my favourite social media but it's so frustrating.

  22. Nikita Rajkumar13 July 2017 at 07:16

    JS's makeup is always stunning! I wish I could get my hands on more of his stuff. I'm sure that you'll smash all of these xx Nikita

    BLOG//Jasmine Loves

  23. Daisy Hudson13 July 2017 at 11:58

    I always love these posts! I hope you do have a productive time while AJ is away! xx


  24. The yellow RI Jacket looks gorgeous!

  25. Good luck with your goals! I should really set some too!

  26. Cassandra Myee15 July 2017 at 02:47

    Best of luck with your goals! I bet you'll be able to reach a few of these easily!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  27. THAT COAT. It is absolutely beautiful and I think I need it too!

    Good luck with your goals lovely

    Alice | Dainty Alice

  28. I love that yellow jacket, it's so nice!

    Rachel | Hey Rachieface


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