Shout out to Jasmine Talks Beauty who did a post like this, and again reminded me to do this post, after ranting on twitter the other night...
So, this is why I do not want to be a full time blogger...
1. Unreliability.
The main reason for why I do not want this to be my job is that I see so many bloggers comment things like "oh well I need to pay a bill" or something along those lines. HELL NO. Having to worry like that over possibly not getting opportunities you need to live? I would hate to be in a position where I feel like I am writing about something I don't really care about, or don't really love, because I have a electricity bill to pay. I mean I get it, we all have these bills to pay, but to me I read blogs for honest reviews on products... is a review truly honest if you are being paid to promote it? I think you can give a very honest review, but if I have a bill looming and I know I need the money to pay it... I would doubt even myself if something is average and I am saying its AWESOME. I don't want to be in that position.
2. The Media & Saying NO.
From what I have gathered as time goes on the more and more emails you will begin to receive from PR agents wanting to send you all sorts of things, I mean great, awesome, but I didn't start doing this for that... I did it because I love it, not to get free stuff.. and I really don't want to just be using PR samples in my posts, doing posts on releases rather than things I have gone out and bought. That is why I reject and say no. I want to keep my blog things I would use anyway, keep it me, things I am obsessing over without being sent... I'm not saying I don't use item which have been sent to me, but I want to keep it real. I have seen a lot of posts with people being overwhelmed by their emails, my response is always "set up an auto response, and say you are taking time out to breath - post what you want and love your blog for a few weeks." Maybe I am being totally clueless here.
3. My Blog, My Posts, My Rules
Such a simple statement. But I see so many people panicking over posting something different, or not posting for a week, or just not enjoying it anymore. It's your blog. You can post whatever the hell you want on it, people can choose to read it. Hell my next post might be on my favourite cat pictures for all you know... the point is you can do what you want - when you want with a blog. No restrictions. You don't owe anyone anything, and your readers would understand if you took time out, or wanted to post something different. Don't let your own restrictions control you. And if you got to a point you truly hated it - you can shut it down. You can stop.
4. My Job
Sounds silly, but I want a job. One I love, one I cannot wait to go to. This year I will be applying to midwifery. And I so hope I get in, and if I don't get in this year, ill be applying again next year. I want a job that I will love until I am 70. And I can't see me at 70 blogging? I have a job at the moment, but I don't love it, but I am not away to stop.
5. Going Self Employed.
Omg my head hurts just thinking about it. I just cannot bare the thought of having to do accounting and tax returns.. nooooo. just no.
6. Having a Hobby you Love & Enjoy.
I LOVE blogging. LOVE it. I love the networking, I love the chats, I love reading other people's blogs. I love beauty. I love talking about it. But most of all I love how I don't HAVE to do any of it. If I wanted to I could stop right now. But I don't because I enjoy it. The minute it becomes a job, you have to do things.. and to me that just removes the fun aspect.
7. Control and Keeping it Me.
Such an odd thing, but I love how I control all aspects of my blog. I write what I want, say what I want. And if I don't want to post I don't. I also love how it is a true representation of me. My heart and soul is in this blog, it is everything I love about beauty, everything I am obsessing over. I get to post about candles, or jeffree star, anything that pops into my head really.. and I don't know if I could keep it this genuine if I was trying to support myself and my family through it..
8. Goals
Although I don't want to be a full time blogger I still have goals for my blog. I really want to hit 1k on bloglovin' and grow my social media channels, but I see them as things like fitness goals, you want to achieve them for your own enjoyment, something to work towards. My true goal for my blog is for me to be happy. To grow friendships and relationships, to improve my writing style and be less like a rambling loony.. I just want it to be something that's a "oh and I have a blog" Not let it be who I am.
What's your thoughts on wanting to be a full time blogger? Am I the odd one out here? and what do you aim for? let me know in the comments below :)
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