Overgate Event: Beauty Burst

My local shopping centre (aka heaven) is pretty awesome, you can read all about it in a post I did here

So when they invited me to another event, how could I say no? Especially one that is beauty themed, and comes with a chance to meet other bloggers.

The main reason for the event was a big SWAPSHOP (which I stupidly forgot to take a photo of, #badblogger) Everyone was invited along to bring in clothes they no longer wanted, and swap them for something else. It went down really well, and everything which was left was donated to charity. What a good idea huh?

The Overgate had invited various local businesses along to give samples and demos, NESS were doing a big competition, and had thee most amazing looking cupcakes on display.

Malmaison were also there, handing out cocktail samples! Drinking and shopping is a lethal mixture, but one to be enjoyed!

Jam Jar had my favourite concept, they were giving away full cocktails, but those of us who had stupidly brought a car (like me) they were handing out cute tiny jam jars with a cocktail mixture in, which you could then swap at the bar later for a full sized cocktail. How cute!

The guy on the stand was pretty cool, and I very shameful had to admit I have never been - but I will be popping along on my next night out, you can check out pictues of the bar here, it looks fab!

Lush were there doing demos, they MADE a bathbomb, exciting stuff. I got to watch them mix the ingredients and mould it into shape. I then got to take it home!

The one we made was the Butterball Bomb, it sounds incredible, soft and gentle, and smells pretty awesome too!

But I will say, my favourite part of the event was getting to hang out with my local bloggers/vloggers.

My MAC obsession was made useful for Chalita who purchased her first ever MAC lipstick, it was so nice seeing how lipsticks can look so different on something other than NC15 paleness. Velvet Teddy especially. If you want to see more of our MAC shopping check out her youtube channel, as her vlog will be going up soon I hope!

SillySnaps (a photo booth company) were also there to show off their latest photo booth, which isnt actually a booth, but a big mirror, we were loving it! He was also kind enough to give us all a photo each.

Go follow @xloulabelle, @Chalitaax, @LisaLovesSunLife on Twitter, they are such a good laugh :)

As the event was they day before payday *cries* I had very little cash to splash. So I treated myself to this Hawiian Tropic Fragrance Mist in "Golden Paradise" which smells like summer in a bottle, I have been picking this up for weeks, so I decided to treat myself.

Disclosure* The lovely Metta from the Overgate did invite me along to the overgate and provide us with goodybags & Tea at FiveGuys for coming these items are pictured in this post, and were given to me for free. but we were not paid to attend, or paid to produce content based on the event, or accepted the goodiebag in exchange for content.

The Overgate is in Dundee, Scotland. You can check out their website here.

Do you love your local shopping centre? would you go to events like this? Let me know in the comments below!

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too)


  1. Cate // 35mminstyle.com4 June 2016 at 12:19

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  2. ElaBellaWorld4 June 2016 at 13:27

    It sounds like you had a lovely day, also meeting with other bloggers must be fun :) I like the idea of cocktail mixture, at least you have a reason to have a car free day so you can enjoy the cocktail :)

    Ela BellaWorld

  3. This looks like a lovely event! I never seem to get invited to beauty ones though, boo!

    Corinne x

  4. That sounds so fun! I would love to meet some other beauty bloggers in person--and who wouldn't want a homemade bath bomb in the mix?


  5. Ah it sounds like such a lovely event! I am dying to try that HT body spray as it sounds divine xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie


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