Sorry for this being late, but with work and lighting getting the time (at the right time of day) is a nightmare at the moment!
So, no bragging intended, this is what I got for my Christmas this year :)

From my Mum: My Mum is useless at surprising me, every year I end up finding out what I am getting.. and this year was no exception. The Chanel is hard to buy, Chance has 4 different types... all French and all in a pink box.. so I got a phone call from the Chanel Counter to ask which one. Better a call than the wrong one (then she gave me the receipt to claim the Debenhams points, Thanks Mum)
Enchanted Forest was just because we know each other way too well, my friend has had this one for months, and I snapped a picture to my mum mid November with a hint for Christmas.... she had already bought me it... It doesn't disappoint.

From my Cousin: Jaz & I have a shared love for makeup. So she opted for a Debenhams voucher to spend at MAC, always a winner. She also wrote my card in lipstick drunk, oh to be 18 again!
From my Aunt: More MAC vouchers, YAY! :)
From my Gran: Even more MAC vouchers. Debenhams better hurry and get a points offer on :)
She also gave me £100 in a Next Voucher, which was really lovely of her. This was to spend at the Next Sale - Mainly for AJ (post on that coming soon)

From Iain & AJ: Two Pandora Charms. Iain & I had agreed not to go OTT. So we set a £50 limit on presents. He had asked me which ones I would like for my Pandora, but I left it to him to surprise me. He picked the Snowman from AJ, and the double heart to go next to our 5. Really beautiful.

Everyone Else: My friends were so lovely this year. I got a big Yankee from Sarah, loads of smellies and PJ's Iain's Mum & Dad also got me a huge red dressing gown, it reaches my feet... and I swear I haven't had it off since Christmas day!
I was really spoilt this year. So feeling very grateful. Hopefully be back on track this week with blog posts and will be catching up on everyone I have missed over the past week or so. Hope you all had an excellent Christmas and New Year, and let me know your best bits in the comments below :)
Gift vouchers are the best, then you can always pick up what you like :) My parents are the same, I always know my presents, they just want to make sure they pick up the right thing! Snowman charm is so cute :) Happy New Year!