January Favourites

Hello the end of January. This year so far hasn't been the greatest, failed diets and mood swings. Here's hoping the rest of the year will be better! Here is the things I have been loving this month.

1. MAC 217 (£20.00) 
Those of you without a 217- you really need one. Yes it's expensive, but I promise it's just so good! It can blend pretty much anything and everything. Obsessed.

2. MAC Whirl Lipstick & Liner (£15.50 & £13.00)
 I love this duo, it's just so retro, warm & lovely. Can view my full post on it here

3. Collection Glam Crystals (£2.99) 
I have used this constantly since Hogmany. It just gives a glam look to every gold eye, just a touch more glitter. Can see it in action here.

4. Urban Decay Naked Palette (£38.00) 
The original and the best of course - even in it's horrible packaging. I would say this is the one to go for if you don't own any of the UD naked palettes yet. I am all about Half Baked. 

5. Ciate Olivio Palermo "Hutch" Nail Varnish (£17.00) 
I love this polish so so much. I would highly recommend heading to your local TK Maxx and trying to pick up this beauty for £4.99, well worth the tiny pricetag :) 

6. The Collective Russian Fudge (£1.50) 
I love this yoghurt. SO good. Big enough to share. So sweet and yummy. You need to try this!

7. Bourjois Pencil Sharpener  (£3.49) 
So random yet needed. Was on the hunt for a sharpener big enough to sharpen an eye shadow pencil, nightmare! But this one does, and was worth mentioning! :)

8. 2016 Diary (£3.50)
 I am really proud of myself for staying so organised this year, ok i'm only a month in - but still. I have all my post ideas written down, I know when things are scheduled and what I need to do and when *pats self on back*

9. TV:
 I am a confessed binge watcher of netflix, and right now I am all about Pretty Little Liars. I feel like a teenager watching it. The suspense is killing me, I want to know who A is. 2 seasons in and its obsessive. Don't start if you can't binge watch - because you will want to. Hana, Spencer, Emily & Aria will steal  your heart. 

 Without a doubt James Cordon & Adele in Carpool, So so good. He is amazing, they both are.

So what have you been in love with this month? have you seen PLL? let me know in the comments below :)


  1. I just bought that nail varnish too, looks like a great colour for spring/summer. Love your blog! :-)


    1. Aww thank you so much lovely. The polish really is lovely. Just away to put it on again now :)

  • I so totally agree with you on the Naked palette! It's definitely the one to get if you don't have any of them. And Half Baked is my fave too!
    Those Mac products also look amazing, I really need that brush in my life :D
    And oh my, foxes are like my fave animal, that diary is so cute <3
    Hope you have a lovely day girlie :)
    Emma xxx


    1. Aww thank you so much lovely :)

  • I'm such a big fan of the original Naked Palette - it's such a beautiful palette xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  • Adele & James Corden <3 It's so much fun to watch it!
    I want that 217 brush but I am not sure about paying £20 for a brush :/


    1. glad you loved the carpool too! lol

      yeah the £20 is hard to part with, I got it in Debenhams when it was 10% off, then used my beauty points against it, so ended up paying £13 which was a lot easier to process lol

  • The diary look sos cute, I love foxes! Also, like Naked palettes. /Madison

  • Great picks.. I would love to try the Naked Palette, but it's just too expensive :(


  • Jasmine Stewart1 February 2016 at 21:22

    I need to get my hands on the Whirl lipstick :) I love the lipliner! xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  • The Style Blossom2 February 2016 at 10:53

    Some amazing make up here. I agree with you completely about the Mac 217, I honestly can't be without it, it's the best and totally worth the money. And I love Mac Whirl lip liner too. I considered getting Whirl lipstick but I'm very pale and it looked a little too dark for me. I opted instead for Velvet Teddy which is a little lighter and I'm in love with it. It pairs great with Whirl lip liner as well. The Ciate Olivia Palermo nail polish looks beautiful, such a gorgeous colour! Katie xx



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