Putting Up the Christmas Tree

11 months of the year I simply cannot stand tack of any sort... then Chrismas hits and I cannot get enough of it. I want everything bright, multicoloured and plastic. Maybe I shouldnt be advertising this, but I just love christmas tat. 

I think it started when I moved out, I had £25 to get myself a tree and all the decorations, and over the years everything has been upgraded, but the theme has never changed. 

Forget red & gold at my house, and think more every colour possible. and yes - that is a penguin on the top of my tree. because why not?

I find it funny when people ask me what theme I have for christmas, when I describe it I can see their look of shock, then when people see it they oddly like it, it just works. No idea why, but it just suits us perfectly.

Decorating the house has to be one of my favourite things about Christmas, it just makes everything feel so much more festive, what is not to love about fairy lights!

What theme have you gone for this year? are you more traditional? let me know in the comments below :)


Michael decided to cover the tree in toilet paper today. AJ found this halarious, but Iain is still majorly creeped out by him - but thats fine, maybe they will both be on their best behaviours for the next few weeks!


  1. Love Michael's idea to decorate the tree haha :D
    Yay for putting up your tree, girl. Penguin as a tree topper is awesome haha!!!
    We are putting up our on Saturday - can't wait to share ;)
    xox Nadia

    1. will be keeping an eye out for your decorations :) I love christmas trees! :)


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