Completing My MAC Palette

So a few weeks ago I was left with 2 spaces left on my palette, I spent ages deciding which colours to go for, which ones would make the cut, then deciding the order.. its all hard work. Decisions, decisions. 

I decided a few of my cooler toned shades no longer made the cut, and they were replaced with 4 new shades to complete my palette, and I must say I am in love.

1. Texture, a warm toned orange matte terracotta colour. Basically the perfect base for any warm brown eye... which I seem to be obsessed with.

2. Woodwinked, a browner toned amber lights. these two are a match made in heaven. They belong in a palette together.

3. Sketch, something other than brown, but still fits in. A slightly shimmer dark purple, the perfect dark colour to my palette without going black.

4. Sable, as soon as I swatched this I knew I needed it. Warm toned slightly shimmery brown.... I have a thing for all of the above, so sable is the perfect addition to my palette.

So that's my palette complete, I will do a full review and swatches after christmas. Now... do I start another one? lol

What are your MAC top picks? let me know in the comments below :)


Still with AJ and my mum, Michael had a party last night with all his elf friends! AJ was horrified by the mess! 


  1. Sable looks gorgeous I can see why you needed it /)

  2. Ah I love Texture! I also love Bamboo (such an under rated shadow that is slightly lighter than Texture), Sumptuous Olive and Patina x

    Jess | It's That Time For...

    1. I love sumptuous olive, that has to be my most used shade. I also have Patina! :) Will need to check out bamboo now you have mentioned it :)

  • I like how colourful your palette is! Sketch is pretty! I still don't have any eyeshadows from MAC, I have my eye on warm neutral palette! Since I don't wear really colourful makeup, this palette would be the best for me. Looks like Michael is really enjoying himself :)

    1. its worth splashing out on, the warm palette is so worth the money. Totally recommend next time you get the chance to have it :)


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