My Boxing Day Wishlist


With the sales fast approaching I thought I would give you a breakdown of what I will be keeping my eye out for this weekend - be prepared, and go early to get what you want :) 


1. Next Boys 5-6 - (£100) So I am one of those crazy people who get up at 5am to queue for my local Next opening at 7am, why? because the very first thing to go is all the kids stuff - and that is exactly what I need. I hate the idea of having to pay almost £20 for a pair of jeans for him, so I will go at 7am and pay £10 - get the quality I love for half the price. Cannot complain... so if you are up early too.. make sure to tag me on Instagram (MakeErinOver), will be good to see im not the only one! :)

2. Yankee Candle (Berry Trifle) - The end of Christmas is always a good thing for Candle Lovers, hello half price. Do I mind my house still smelling sweet in February? No. Just make sure you pick something that isn't too festive.. so Berry Trifle is my top pick for this year :)

3. Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick - I've been saying for months now how much I want to try something from Charlotte Tilbury, and if I get any Christmas money I have told myself this is what it will be going on. Probably in Sexy Sienna or bond girl... such beautiful shades :)

4. Boots - On Boxing day boots always drops all their gifts down to half price, its like christmas all over again - and the perfect chance to pick up some awesome sets for a great price.

5. MAC WHIRL - I have been banging on and on about MAC whirl for 6 months now waiting on it coming back into stock in store - enough is enough. I will be placing an online order and buying it. enough of waiting. I need it in my life (and another cheeky extra lipstick too - I am loving the Ellie Goulding Collection!)


6. Irregular Choice (£50) - Ok so I already have 10 pairs of Irregular Choice heels, but it is never enough... never. I have had my eyes on a few pairs from Schuh for so long.. and I think I will need to give into them soon. if these drop below £50 they will be mine, not both.. so you need to help me choose? the dilemma! :) 

Which things will you be going for this year? have you thought out boxing day? or are you not even going? let me know in the comments below :) 

All these pictures do not belong to me, I have put links to each website I have used them from. 

MICHAEL UPDATE: Michael decided he would tell AJ he is a poo poo face on my mirror! 


  1. Danielle Beautyblog21 December 2015 at 20:32

    Loving the look of the lipsticks! Will be keeping an eye out on Boxing Day too even though I'm sure I don't need anything else!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  2. Brill wishlist, hon! I also prepped a little Boxing Day post, which will be live soon :)
    Lippies are especially gorgeous. I really would love to explore CT brand more!
    xox Nadia

  3. I really want to try CT lipsticks too so I will keep an eye on it, maybe it goes on sale :) Queuing up at 5 am might sound crazy, however you get really great stuff so it is worth it!


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