February Favourites 2018

Another Month, Another Favourites.

Here is everything I have been loving for the month of Febuary! 

Too Faced Chocolate Gold Palette £39.00 Full Post + Swatches 
This palette is one I have just been obsessed with looking at, using, swatching, gazing at with a loving expression... it's just stunning. Definitely worth checking out the swatches to fully appreciate the shades here. I am so in love with it. 

MAC Cosmetics Smoked Almond £18.00
This was one I randomly picked up in store last month, and wow am I glad I did. The shade of this and the formula is beautiful, the perfect warm nude shade, which offers the most beautiful sheen - yet somehow seems to last all day. Definitely worth picking up if you haven't already. 

MakeUp Revolution Conceal & Define £4.00 Full Post + Swatches 
I have been loving this. Really loving it. But I am a little bit miffed by how long it will probably last, as it has a lot less product within it than a typical concealer (Check the post for more info) but overall the formula is beautiful, and I can see myself repurchasing this one again soon. 

Becca Cosmetics Vanilla Quartz £32.00 
I got this mini highlight as part of a set from QVC, I LOVE this shade. It's such a beautiful pale based highlighter, with a golden sheen, this is a pale queens dream. It's beautiful. The mini shade is also half the size of a full size, and after seeing how long it took me to hit pan on champagne pop. I know this will last me a long time.  

Jo Malone Honey & Crocus £47.00 Full Post 
Jo Malone fragrances are boss, without a doubt they are SO good. I am so in love with their packaging too, especially on their English Fields collection. This is just such a unique scent, I find myself reaching for it all the time. 

Essie Gel Polish Jade To Measure £9.99
If you love a mermaid green you need to be quick and buy it soon, cause its limited edition and BEAUTIFUL. Seriously quick buy it - it's lovely. I feel so fancy with shimmer green nails too! :)

M&S Colin & Connie Caterpillar
They are new to the fam in vegan, I am not vegan, but I like my Percey's & Fam to be vegan. They are just really chewy - YUM! Definitely worth looking out for, they are so good. 

The Yellow Lamp 
If you follow me on instagram (You totally should btw @MakeErinOver) you will have seen me obsessing over a yellow lamp to then get my hands on it. TK Maxx find, and for £19.99 it was a bargain! 

The Greatest Showman 
Without a doubt the best movie I have seen in a long long time. I cannot wait for it to come out on DVD now, the soundtrack is just everything. So obsessed with it at the moment. AJ & I sing it endlessly, at home, in the car. It's such a good movie! 

Getting into Uni To Study Midwifery
How can this not be a favourite this month? It needed to be in here. I am going to be a Student Midwife this year! *SQUEAL!* 

February Favourites 2018 Too Faced Gold Chocolate Vanilla Quartz
So there was my favourites for this month! What have you been loving this month? Let me know in the comments below :) 


*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!) 

 Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)

February Skincare Saviours

The Skincare Roundup for February

This month I have been spot central. Thanks to a exam and uni interview stress my face is SO broken out. It's horrible. Everything I have been using has either been to help the spots, get rid of them, or look after the parts of my face not broken out *joys*

Let's Talk: Life As A Mature / Parent Student

Let's Talk: Life As A Mature / Parent Student

Deciding to go back into education is one of the biggest decisions I have ever made. Taking that plunge back into something you left behind is pretty terrifying, the urge to just give up, not try and accept the easy is definitely the easiest thing to do, but would you be happy? 

For me, I knew I wasn't. I always felt like I wanted a "real" job, one away from retail, one with a purpose greater than the one I had currently. I wasn't hugely unhappy with my retail job, but I always knew I belonged in a hospital. I always knew I needed something more, hence me going back to College, back to Uni, and accepting my fate back in the Education System... but what is it like? Being back at 27, with a job, child, blog, house, responsibilities? 

First Impressions: Antipodes Skincare*

First Impressions: Antipodes Skincare* reincarnation, rejoice, grace, immortal

Vegan, Organic Skincare You Say? 

Antipodes were kind enough to contact me recently and send across their range for me to try, I was so thrilled to try their range, I love the idea of all organic ingredients, so lovely to use. So here is my thoughts on the products after 4 weeks of using them. Please bear in mind that this is my personal opinion, and products work differently for everyone. 

Clinique Smart Indulgence Gift Set (£42 Worth £134!)

Clinique Smart Indulgence Gift Set (£42 Worth £134!)

Awww Damn, it's a good deal, I need it.

Issy made me buy this. She did a post on the lip balm here, and I wanted it, so instead of buying the lip balm, I bought the whole set... cause it was a good deal, story of my life. 

So I thought I would share it all with you, be an enabler, make you buy something because it is just SUCH a good deal, filled with fabby products. 

Mother's Day Gift Guide Guide - Written By a Mum, for Mums**

Mother's Day Gift Guide Guide - Written By a Mum, for Mums**

Mother's Day is quickly approaching - 11th March.

Mother's day is pretty early this year, so I thought I would share with you my top picks for Mother's Day now - before it is too late. Find the perfect gifts for women in your life here, somewhat out of the ordinary and a more luxe vibes. 

Jo Malone: Honey & Crocus (English Fields Collection)

The Jo Malone English Field collection was mine the minute I seen it promoted. Sometimes a launch just speaks to me on all levels, and I part with my cash as soon as they say "it's here". 

This collection is embracing all the nicer English countryside vibes, think more floral than manure. Plus the packaging... *swooon* It is just utter perfection. 

These new five scents include something for everyone to enjoy over spring/summer. The store in St Andrews (Scotland) had the collection in early due to their window revamp - so I had a good smell of them all, and wow am I impressed. 

Project Pan/Process (Spring 2018)

Time to USE makeup 

I think my 2017 Project taught me one thing - that it takes a long time to actually finish a product. This is good when it comes to expensive products lasting us a long time, but when it comes to us makeup hoarders - well it can be pretty shocking. The idea of actually using up our whole stashes then becomes an olympian task. 

So instead of stressing on it, and continuing to buy more to add and not use. I thought I would create a Pan where I can swap and change different items, focusing on some more than others during the year, and hopefully finish up some products throughout 2018. 

New In: The BEST Drugstore Concealers For Pale Skin + SWATCHES

New In: The BEST Drugstore Concealers For Pale Skin + SWATCHES, collection, makeup revolution, maybelline fit me

Palest of Pale You Say? YES! 

I think there is a lot of changes going on right now when it comes to shade range, and it is SUCH a long time coming. It's about time highend and drugstore expand their collections to include everyone - of every skintone. So with the inclusion of more deeper skintones - brands are now adding a shade onto the lightest end up the spectrum, which is a very welcome addition to me. *YAY* 

The February Life Update: Studying, Croup and Interspecies Love

Life outside the Blog

Here is what I have been up to this month, the exciting, the boring, and the uneventful - all in one post!

A BOOTS HAUL! (Someone Stop Me Spending Money)

Please someone take my card off me. 

This month has been SUCH a spendy month. The spendiest month there ever was in a long long time. So I thought I would share with you what I have picked up recently, in an old-school haul post. It's been SO long since I did one, so meh, let's DO it! 

February: Best Blog Posts

The Best Posts of this Month 

I am so loving doing these posts now, they are so fun. Fun to share blogs I have loved, posts I have read, it's always good to find new content! :) 

Too Faced: Chocolate Gold Palette Review + Swatches

Too Faced: Chocolate Gold Palette Review + Swatches Bar, metallic, beautiful

Oh lord, it's beautiful. 

Say hello to the newest addition to the Too Faced Chocolate Bar range. The Chocolate Gold Palette, it's BEAUTIFUL. Seriously stunning. I am kinda digging the fact that they mocked Makeup Revolution a little by copying the packaging that they use to doupe their other palettes. Very clever Too Faced, I see what you did there. 

World Duty Free: Miller Harris Scherzo Perfume*

World Duty Free: Miller Harris Scherzo Perfume*

Valentine's Day Treat Perhaps? 

 I really don't know any girl who wouldn't be happy with an incredibly beautiful luxe perfume this February 14th. 

Boyfriend Reviews: Snow Fairy Massage Bar (Lush)

Boyfriend Reviews: Snow Fairy Massage Bar (Lush)

Erin was annoyed that my post did so well last time, so she is now refusing to write all of her posts herself. So I'm back with a review of the Snow Fairy Massage bar from Lush. So lets set the scene..

Space NK: The Ultimate Wislist (While They Have £15 off £60!)

Space NK: The Ultimate Wislist (While They Have £15 off £60!) SpaceNK Sale, Becca, Hourglass, Diptique

Money Off Makeup You Say? YES!

In case you missed the emails, banners, adverts, twitter. Space NK are currently running their beloved promotion of £15 off £60 spend.

Elie Beaumont: Oxford Small Mesh Watch (Gold)*

Elie Beaumont: Oxford Small Mesh Watch (Gold)*

It's just so pretty! 

I am way too obsessed with watches at the moment, especially pretty ones which seem to add something special to an outfit, this is one of those watches. Elie Beaumont is one brand I have grown to really love since trying them back in November, so I was delighted when they contacted me again to ask if I would like to try out another one of their watches. 

The Oxford Small Mesh in Gold is beautiful. Delicate, simplistic and seems to just complete every outfit beautifully. It is unlike anything I have already, completely different and ladylike. 

My other watch from them has a larger face, silver tone and a purple strap - it's beautiful, and is featured on my Instagram lots, so its nice to have something totally different for different occasions. 

I am loving wearing and using the Elie Beaumont watches, they are so beautiful and such a good price for the overall quality - so definitely worth checking out if you are on the hunt for a new watch. 

Elie Beaumont: Oxford Small Mesh Watch (Gold)*
Elie Beaumont: Oxford Small Mesh Watch (Gold)*
Elie Beaumont: Oxford Small Mesh Watch (Gold)*

You can purchase the Oxford Small Mesh Watch here for £69.00

Do you love watches too? Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments below 


*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!) 

Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)

Blogging Advice For Beginners

How do I start my own blog?

One question I really struggle to ever answer properly. The issue is, the minute it is asked, 1000s of answers pop into my head. So what tends to come out as a response is word vomit which doesn't tend to make much sense. So I thought I would take the time and create this post for reference, to link to when I need to, rather than just talking absolute rubbish.

Life On Film #1

There is something incredible about an old school film camera. I think it reminds me how much has changed in 15-20 years. Life in the 90s and early 2000s were technology lacking compared to where we are at now. I was glued to MSN, on my windows 2000 PC using dial up internet. I had snake on my phone and I was amazed at a colour screen phone never mind one capable of taking pictures.  

In the world of cameras so much has changed. Nowadays we are used to instant photos, with incredible quality and things we take completely for granted, like auto focus, wifi, screens... 

Ben still has a Olympus OM10, no D, because it isn't digital. It was made by Olympus in 1980-1987, it belonged to Ben's Dad. So this Camera - is older than me. 

It takes actual FILM. You have no idea how it looks when you are taking photos, if it turned out alright, who knows? It also does not have auto focus... so yeah, FUN. Hence why a lot of these are blurry - forgive me, I'm new to this. 

But overall, I love the whole process. The unknown, the waiting, the developing. Having patience once again, in a world which is now so instant. 

Eve Sleep Mattress: 100 Sleeps Later

Eve Sleep Mattress: 100 Sleeps Later

100 sleep guarantee you say?

Please note: I have worked with Eve previously on This Post (Eve Towels) but this post is in no way a collaboration, they didn't know I was writing it, and I definitely was not paid for it.

So my Gran and Grandad very kindly bought me a new mattress for my Birthday/Christmas back in November, and last night marked my 100th night with it. I thought I would give a quick talk through of my thoughts and feelings of the Eve Sleep Mattress, and if you need one in your life...