Life outside the Blog
Here is what I have been up to this month, the exciting, the boring, and the uneventful - all in one post!

All The Studying
When will it be June already? I just want it to be June. I want to have no exams, no work, no pressure on me. I want to watch TV guilt free, I want to play sims and read books. But right now that is not reality. I am up to my eyeballs in work, prelims, revision, you name it. I just want it to all be over.
Croup & Cinema
Poor AJ cannot catch a break with Croup, twice a year since he was born he gets it. The wheezing, the seal bark, the noise of him attempting to breathe and struggling. He was whisked to A&E and was given steroids then we had 3 days off school and college for recovery. I must admit by day 3 I was desperate to get back to normal life, the joys of parenting.
We have also been obsessed with The Greatest Showman too. We have seen it twice now, and the soundtrack has been on repeat since. AJ slides up and down the hall singing "TELL ME DO YOU WANNA GO..." - and I may also be doing the same.

Cat & Dog, Berty & Darcey Love
Seriously though have you ever seen anything so sweet? I like to believe they are SO in love, unrequited, Romeo and Juliet type cat/dog love. When probably they just enjoy each others company... but really they are the cutest. They cuddle up on Ben's bed while he is at work too, AWWWWW. No wonder the other cat is comfort eating lol.
Playing With A Film Camera
What have you been up to this month? Let me know in the comments below!
I have been so into photography recently, really enjoying it. So when Ben brought through his film camera we had such a good time playing around with it. I have really enjoyed playing around with different lighting, getting back into flatlays and finally starting to use lightroom... which I still suck at. YAY. But still, it's been a good photo month. You can check out the Film Camera Post Here.

*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!)
Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)
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