October: Skincare Saviours

I'm so shocked it is the end of October already. What is going on? Here is my skincare favourites, my routine this month. New and old additions I am enjoying. Mini Reviews - I hope you enjoy :)

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water £5.00 £3.33
This is now a staple in everyones stash. Who hasn't tried this? Magic water that just WORKS. I love this to remove excess - a second cleanse, or for in the morning. I will never go without this now.

Vichy Idealia Peeling* £30.00 £22.50 (Full Post Here)
I cannot say enough good things about this one, I just love using it at night to make my skin feel super clean, whatever new bits I try I just keep on going back to it. 

Vichy Normaderm Anti-Blemish Care* £15.00 £11.25 (Full Post Here)
If you suffer with Teenage acne prone skin as an adult this is the moisturiser for you. I sit here with a spot the size of a monster on my face - and this is a blessing to use. Well done Vichy for appreciating spots are not always a teen issue. 

Happy Place Cosmetics Banana Buttercream Scrub* £7.50
First of all the smell of this is STUNNING, I am obsessed with the smell. I want to smell like foam bananas all day long lol. The scrub itself is lovely though, it foams up and becomes so creamy and moisturising! It is such a stunning product to use. I will be buying myself some and some more for Christmas presents - they are fab! :) 

Lush Cosmetic Warrior  £7.50 (Full Post Here)
I had forgotten how much I loved the Lush Fresh Face Masks, they are SO good! I love how this one helps to clear our all the impurities makeup leaves behind. It leaves my skin feeling super clean and cared for. 

The Body Shop Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser £16.00
I love vitamin C products, and this one is pretty high up in the most loved field. This is such a hydrating moisturiser, and I love it for giving me some glow. My skin seems to love this on days where I have been run down, it helps to add back in the moisture and life to my skin. It is fantastic. 

Bubble T Lip Balm* £3.00
Bubble T very kindly sent me some goodies to try from their range, and both AJ & I have been loving the lip balms. They are so quick and easy to use - and the scents are so nice! :) 

Philips Satinelle Prestige Wet and Dry Epilator £220.00 (Full Post Here)
I'm so glad I finally gave an epilator another chance, I feel like this will be a game changer for me now. Sure it hurt first time - but it is becoming more and more easy now - I cannot see myself stopping anytime soon! 

What Skincare Items have you been using and loving this month? Let me know in the comments below :)


*These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!)

 Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :) 

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