Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches

Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches

Example A: Erin Has No Self Control. 

SO BAD. But they so pretty. 

Seriously though this was the absolute last thing I needed. But still, there I was, typing in my card details because I convinced myself they would be so so worth it... and well... yeah, I love em. 

Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches

Let's get the deets out the way now though, because they are far from cheap - but this set makes the initial purchase a little nicer than the typical price. 

The standard price of the new Confession lipsticks is £28.00 (which includes the Metal holder) 
Or £18.00 for the refill lipstick only (Without the metal holder) 

The lipstick itself is small (0.9g) compared to a typical MAC lipstick (3g) - So this ain't no cheap lipstick - its flipping high high end. *Curses self for paying that amount* 

This set is £48.00 so realistically you are saving £16.00 

Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches
Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches
The Confessions set comes in a cigarette type gold case to go alongside the whole luxe vintage cigarette holder vibe they have going on. The whole feel of the packaging is beautiful. It's weighty and beautifully designed - but I expect nothing less for the price to be fair. 

The set comes with three shades, all stunning. There isn't one dud that I don't love as much, I think I love them all equally - so lovely. The formula is incredible too. SO creamy, so long lasting. This is the first non-matte formula I have loved in a long time - and that is a huge statement to make. 

The shade names are like a throwback from the backstreet boys though. Ha. 

  • My One Desire: Dusty mauve
  • True Love Means: Pink nude
  • You Are My: Medium rose brown

  • Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches

    Well at least I got some flipping beautiful photos from my money, and I do love the lipsticks. Overall I am super chuffed I bought them - even with the price tag.

    Have you thought about getting these? Have you tired them out already? Let me know in the comments below 



    Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :) 

1 comment

  1. These look fricking stunning on you, girl! I need to get me some of these!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge


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