Changes To MakeErinOver

Hey Guys & Girls!

Just a quick, chatty update to discuss schedules, and the direction MakeErinOver is going.

I have been struggling over the past month or so to deal with scheduling posts and content, so I have decided to redo my schedule a little - to see if it helps with the flow of everything.

You many have noticed that my blog is featuring more PR Samples. As my blog is now 2.5years old - and my engagement is bigger than ever - I am beginning to get more collaborations - which is really exciting! 

With this, means I just have MORE content to share, lots more. So I find myself with SO many plans - then getting lost along the way. It also means I am declining collaborations, or not doing posts I would want to do because of the timings - which is just upsetting.

Sometimes I want to just do a post on a nail varnish, and not feel bad about it. Ya'know what I mean? I have been saying for weeks now I want to do my Apple Watch post, and it's still in Drafts.

I'm not saying my quality will change, or I will just start accepting any collab going - it just means I will have more post time to work with - and I won't be up until 12am.

So at the moment, I post every two days (Even days) at midnight.

The New Schedule will be:
Monday @5pm
Wednesday @5pm
Friday @5pm
Saturday @8am
Sunday @8am

This increases my posts from 15 a month, to about 21-22.

There may be some weeks where I miss a post, and some where I have extra, but will see how this goes! EXCITING!

I thought I would also take the time to ask what posts you enjoy reading on here? What do you look forward to most? Which posts do you wish I would improve on? I would love some feedback - so let me know! :)



  1. Erin | herlittleplans.com15 October 2017 at 18:19

    Getting to do collabs with brands is so exciting! Good luck x

    Erin Azmir Blog xx

  2. I love makeup posts the most! x

  3. Ohhhh I can’t wait! Exciting. X

  4. Congratulations on getting more collabs!! It is always exciting!! I love makeup posts and I looking forward to see more! :)


  5. So great to hear your blog is doing so well! I always love reading your new posts. My favourites are just any of your reviews/recommendations as I find they are so detailed and helpful x

  6. So excited for more content! I'm not surprised you have more collaborations on the cards. Your blog is amazing.

  7. Issy Belle Fox15 October 2017 at 20:42

    Loving your content and I'm dead chuffed you're getting more collabs, it's very much deserved x

  8. This is great news, I am so excited to see what's coming. Always enjoy reading your posts. You keep getting better and better and it is so awesome to see your growth! Xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  9. I think you have to do what is best for you and what works for you x

  10. I’m so excited for you that you’re getting more collars! You deserve it. I wish I could stick to a schedule but I’m useless haha x

  11. I am so excited to see your future posts, as I love your blog!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush


I would love it if you could leave a comment, I love reading them! I also love it when you leave your own blog links so I can go check them out too - But please make sure your clickable link is working - or I do need to delete the comment :(