October Favourites 2017

2.5 years of blogging and I still love reading and writing a monthly favourite. So no attempt at me stopping anytime soon, sorry guys! So here is the bits I have been loving this month! :)

October: Skincare Saviours

I'm so shocked it is the end of October already. What is going on? Here is my skincare favourites, my routine this month. New and old additions I am enjoying. Mini Reviews - I hope you enjoy :)

Philips Satinelle Prestige Wet & Dry Epilator*

Philips Satinelle Prestige Wet & Dry Epilator*

6 weeks ago I heard the word "Epilator" and would flinch. Early teen throwbacks of my Mum's torture device was something I wasn't up for reliving... until I was given this option. In steps the ultra luxe Philips Satinelle Prestige Wet & Dry Epilator. I mean look how flipping beautiful it is. Surely something this beautiful couldn't be painful? I was up for the task.

Vichy Staple Products (You Need in your Routine)

Vichy has a special place in my heart now, they were the first brand to ever contact me. Back in April 2016. It feels so long ago now, especially in blog terms - I feel like I have moved on so far from then, but at the same time my thoughts and feelings of their line up haven't changed at all.

They recently contacted me once more to top up my Dermablend stash, and to try out their new powder compact foundation. They also included a skincare goodie to try too!

World Duty Free: NARS #JetSetter Set (Orgasm Collection)*

I think I was the only blogger on planet earth to not own the NARS blush in "Orgasm" - yes that is really its name. Now lets all giggle at the "Multiple Orgasm" *giggles* Anyway - I swear it has its own cult following - and now I finally have the opportunity to try it out - the long awaited testing.

Back To Lush: Recycling Scheme + Mini Reviews

Back To Lush: Recycling Scheme + Mini Reviews

Did you know if you take 5 tubs of lush back you get a free fresh face mask? It's a definite perk of being a lush fanatic. I thought I would share with you what items I have used up, a mini review, and the new mask! :) 

World Duty Free: Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy Sculpting Lipstick Trio*

World Duty Free: Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy Sculpting Lipstick Trio*

SO BEAUTIFUL. I love a lipstick set, hell I love a lipstick. They have to be my favourite makeup item. But this lipstick set is just complete goals, I mean look. Perfection in a photo.

World Duty Free has to be the best place to do MakeUp shopping - without a doubt - it's almost more fun than going on the holiday itself - and I know I save up before I leave just to splash out on something exciting! (Or is this just me? - oops!)

They contacted me a few weeks ago now and very kindly sent over some exclusive bits for me to try out. This Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy Lipstick Trio was one of them, it is such a cute set to pick up on your way to somewhere sunny - and then be able to use when you are home too!

Apple Watch Series 3 + Cellular Practical Review

Apple Watch Series 3 + Cellular Practical Review

I've had my apple watch now for 4 weeks, and now that the novelty has worn off - I thought it would be the best time to write a full post on it! So I hope you enjoy, something outside the usual beauty related content, but I hoped it would be something that would be interesting - as I have had quite a few questions on it. 

CND Vinylux NightSpell 2017 Weekly Nail Polish Collection*

CND Vinylux NightSpell 2017 Weekly Nail Polish Collection*

I LOVE nail varnish, there is just something nice about having freshly painted nails that can just brighten every mood. So when a company wants to send me some new colours to try out - well, I'm a little bit excited.

AJ: Philips Sonicare Electric Toothbrush (For Kids)*

AJ: Philips Sonicare Electric Toothbrush (For Kids)*

The Philips Sonicare Electric Toothbrush was very kindly sent to us to try out. AJ was so excited to have something sent through for him, I don't think a box has ever been opened quick enough. So we decided that this would be AJ's first guest post on my blog. I'm saying guest post - but I am writing it - with his input - and his modelling (badly). 

The October Life Update: Cool Hats, Cosy Jumpers & Days Out

This is the post I consider mine. The one I post because #myblogmyrules but some how people seem to enjoy a monthly update on all things me, so why not?

Here is my once a month personal post, the ones with photos of all things other than makeup and skincare, I hope you enjoy! :)

Changes To MakeErinOver

Hey Guys & Girls!

Just a quick, chatty update to discuss schedules, and the direction MakeErinOver is going.

MakeUp: The Autumn Beauty Edit

I love autumn, and autumn makeup is definitely my favourite too. Nothing makes me happier than bringing out a bold lip to go with a big scarf! So I thought I would share my typical makeup look, the items I have been reaching for over the past month, the perfect bits for autumn. 

Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches

Hourglass Confessions Refillable Lipstick Set + Swatches

Example A: Erin Has No Self Control. 

SO BAD. But they so pretty. 

Seriously though this was the absolute last thing I needed. But still, there I was, typing in my card details because I convinced myself they would be so so worth it... and well... yeah, I love em. 

YSL All Hours Foundation Full Review + Swatches

YSL All Hours Foundation Full Review + Swatches

New foundation is always a scary and exciting moment, especially when you have an oily AF nose like me, add that combo in with glasses it is a wonder any foundation even begins to hang on. 

So when a few of the big YouTubers were saying the new YSL all hours foundation is perfect for those with oily skin and love full coverage, well I was ALL for it. *runs to Debenhams to buy it*

Being An Autumn "Basic" Blogger

Hey, My name is Erin, I like to think that 9 out of 12 months I am unique, different, a bit yellow, a bit nuts.. but the minute September 1st hits I turn into a full blown stereotypical, autumn loving, pumpkin loving, PSL loving loony - and I am not even ashamed. 

So I thought I would throw together all my absolute favourites of Autumn, and help you decide that really autumn is the bestest season of them all lol. 

Top 10 Autumn Nail Varnishes

Autumn shades are just complete goals, I love a warm toned shade of any colour, and autumn is just the perfect excuse to have my nails red, purple, orange, mustard *squeel* the whole 3 months. 

3INA: New In (Review & Swatches)*

3INA (Pronounced Mee-Na btw) isn't a new brand to me anymore, I loved the last few bits they sent me so it was so lovely to be sent some more to try, they are so good for the price (and you can find most of them on Asos - just pop them in with your next clothing order!) 

October: New In Beauty

I spend a lot of my time watching Beauty News on youtube, (their channel is so so good), they upload twice a week just discussing new releases, it can be SO addictive. Watching this and Samantha March talk about new releases in her "Will I buy it" series has made me a tad obsessed with keeping up to date on new launches.

What I would say is that it has helped me to plan out what I want to invest my money in, and what I really want to save up for, so if you are wanting to be in the know, and suck at keeping up to date with trend mood, and don't mind swearing Aussie's check them out! :)