YouTube Videos I Do Not Have Time For

I'm sure I am not alone when I say I spend HOURS every week watching YouTube videos... what can I say? I just cannot resist a "What am not gonna buyyyy" video (Sung in Kimberly Clark style of course) But there is a whole load of videos that I just cannot stand anymore, even looking at their title I think BLECH! So I thought I would put them all together in one list, and you can add things in which you cannot stand too, so we can all be negative together! 

I find the videos I hate to watch are the filler videos YouTubers use when they cannot think of anything actually creative or useful to make a video about - the lazy content. And the minute I see them showing up on my subscription box I will unsubscribe - I ain't got time for that. Be creative and fun. 

1. Applying Makeup With ANYTHING other than a Brush/Sponge. 
NO ONE CARES. I do not want to watch you apply your makeup using cutlery, the wrong hand, your shoes, your boyfriends testicle. Just STOP. These videos serve no purpose, at all. No one wants to watch them, they are overdone and so not fun to watch. 

2. Testing Candy/Food From *Insert Country* 
*sigh* I really like sweeties, but I have zero interest in watching anyone eat anything on youtube. EVER. I do not care if you haven't tried them, or if they were expensive, please don't upload this rubbish. If you want to binge eat sweets do it in your own time like the rest of us. 

3. Boyfriend/Brother/Dad Does My Makeup 
Again, its overused... and just feels a bit pointless. The only time this is fun is when their other half is constantly in the videos (Like Tati & James) - but otherwise it may be funny to you - but chances are it isn't funny to the rest of us. 

4. Boyfriend/Brother/Dad does my Voice Over 
Same as above. Most boys don't understand, we get it. But don't make us listen to it, I want to know what that eyeshadow is, not your dads description of "oh the brown one" 

5. Asos Hauls Where You Return 90% of the items
Anyone can spend £500 on Asos and return it all, I want to see the bits your actually going to keep, to see how you style them or wear them, not order them and watch you return them - just completely pointless. 

6. "I'm Quitting YouTube" 
This one one video I will actually click on, to make sure you are actually quitting. And if you are not - I am unsubscribing... because I don't have time for attention seeking on YouTube. Wanna quit? Go ahead, I ain't begging you to stay. 

7. *Insert Clickbait* 
Looking at you Saccone-Joly's - you are the WORST. You know its bad when you click on the video, don't bother watching it and just read the comments to see what actually happened - rather than wasting your 20 minutes over a "IS IT TIME?" - no it isn't. 

8. What Is On My iPhone
We all know the only reason you are showing us what is on your phone is to tell us about Audible or some game, shopping app... oh the sponsorship is endless, either way i'm not watching. If I wanted to see what was on a phone I would look at my own :)

If you liked this post check out this one >> The Things That Annoy Me About (Big) YouTubers

What things annoy you about YouTube? I would love to know, let me know in the comments below :) 
