January Favourites

Hello the end of January. This year so far hasn't been the greatest, failed diets and mood swings. Here's hoping the rest of the year will be better! Here is the things I have been loving this month.

Project Life: December

Finally I have finished up 2015. A year never fully feels over until I have done my project life. Now that it's done I have that nagging feeling gone. YAY! SO here is my best bits from December :)

Lipstick of the Month: MAC Whirl

I think it's no surprise now that I have a slight obsession with MAC lipsticks, everything about them is just perfect. For the past year I have been obsessing over their Matte collection, out of the 15 MAC lipsticks I own 7 of them are from their matte formulation.. and if I had my way, I would own them all.

Brand Shoutout: Seventeen

It's not very often I focus on a highstreet brand I love, so this weekend I decided to focus on one of my favourite ones - Seventeen.

Project Pan 2016

I have titled this post project pan, but in complete honesty its not something I am 100% on. I really enjoy the concept of using what you have, but the idea of using something daily that you don't really like to then end up sick of it - just to finish it - doesn't really appeal to me. If I don't like or use something, it's going into the bin, its the products I love and use that are at risk of hitting pan.. so here are the things I can see myself finishing this year.


MAC Palette

I've been saying I will do a full post and swatches of my MAC palette for a little over a month now, so here it is. 

FOTD: Urban Decay Naked & Collection Glam Crystals

It's been so long since I have done one of these, but I couldn't not. I have been rocking this look constantly this month - its just so beautiful. 

HAUL: How I spent my Christmas Money

Deciding what to spend my Christmas vouchers this year was definitely a huge decision. It's not very often I have a big amount of money to spend on make up all at once, so I wanted to make it worth it.

January's Empties

This month I haven't really used anything.... how odd.

Out with the Old: Decluttering Make Up.

Make up is something I love, something I really enjoy buying, something I look forward too. But I haven't always been this way. This time two years ago I hadn't had makeup on in months, and I owned the same little makeup bag I had used since I was 14... using the same products, too orange foundation, clumpy mascara and yes - I used the makeup sponges which came with my eye shadow palettes, cringe! No wonder I hated makeup - what I was using was awful.

January Wish List

Here is this month's wish list, the things I am dreaming of, lusting after and just cannot live without (or that is what I tell myself anyway!) 

The Next Boxing Day Sale 2015

If you would like to hear about how my obsession with the Next sale began you can read all about it here (on my last next sale post!)

So here is what I managed to pick up this time. Luckily I managed to get a really good online slot this year (which are like gold dust btw, I consider myself honoured ha) So these arrived over the past week. Hope you enjoy.

January's Yankee: Season of Peace

Yet another Yankee Candle to use. say hello to Season of Peace. A Christmas gift from my lovely friend Sarah. This really is the perfect winter scent which isn't Christmassy. Something that is actually quite hard to come by.

What I Got for Christmas 2015

Sorry for this being late, but with work and lighting getting the time (at the right time of day) is a nightmare at the moment!

So, no bragging intended, this is what I got for my Christmas this year :)