September Favourites

Hello Favourites!
This is my favourite post, talking about everything I love this month. Everything from beauty to totally random.

1. Sims 3 - This month I have been completely obsessed with the Sims, I love building houses, getting sims pregnant.. basicially playing god and ruining their lives.. great fun. I do have sims 4, but it sucks. Sims 3 all the way.
2. My Cinderella Mug - I swear tea & coffee always tastes better out of your favourite mug. Try it, splash some cash on a super cute mug from Starbucks or the Disney store. Your tea quality will improve along with your mood. ha. Right now I am obsessed with the Nescafe gingerbread lattes... YUM! :)

3. BarryM Nail Polish in "Raspberry" (£2.99) - The perfect Autumnal Shade, what more to say. I do love Autumn!
4. Too Faced Melted in "Melted Fig" (£19.00) - I do love the colour of this, and it lasts forever on your lips. Definitely a liquid lipstick rather than a gloss. Only downside to these is the messy application and having no idea when you are going to run out.... this upsets me. But still a fab lippy and I would totally recommend grabbing one. They are lovely.
5. Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer (£5.50) - This stuff is fab. I actually prefer this over my NARS creamy concealer, really beauitful finish, blends beautifully... and no dark circles. YAY!

6. Mitchum Deodorant - I never thought I would put a deodorant into a favourites. But here I am saying I love this stuff. It really is incredible. It just stops you from sweating. Genius. Simple. Works. what more can I say?.

7. My Next Jumper (post on this soon) - I am obsessing over this jumper right now. It's been worn every chance I have had this month, mainly cuddled up in it at work. Its so perfect for autumn, looks adorable with jeans and boots, I love it.

What have you been loving this month? had a good month? Let me know in the comments below :)

Be Back Soon :)

Hey! Thanks for stopping by.

We are currently "sunning it up" (ha more like getting rained on) in Haven's Craig Tara caravan park.

So I have swapped work, blogging and boredom with a 5 day stay in a caravan with my family.

So think of me in Scotland, probably freezing my butt off in a caravan at the end of September. AJ will be hyper of slush puppies, dancing away to god awful disco sung by the "Funstars" and Rory the Lion (who is actually a tiger) and all his other terrifying friends. My hair will be ruined by the daily swimming and i'm sure I will be a good stone heavier thanks to the Papa Johns my other half is planning. Needless to say we will be having a fantastic time :)

Make sure you check back on Thursday for my Monthly Favourites which have been scheduled.

In the meantime check out my latest blogposts... you can search on the right, or just by scrolling down.

All My Love


My Travel Makeup Bag

Excuse me while I take a moment just to love my new makeup bag. It is so pretty. (It's from Primark £5)
The bag has 4 seperate compartments, two big ones either side and a detatchable smaller one that folds in the middle.
Anyways This is what I am taking with me to haven. I hate packing makeup - I want to take it all, but these are my favourites and what I decided to go for hope you enjoy :)
(oh and im sorry for the pic quality - turns out taking pictures through plastic is awful - lesson learned)

The first compartment contains my base. Tiny travel size of my Primer to begin with. Then I picked up Estee Lauder's double wear on Friday, so thought I would throw myself in the deepend with it and only take this. (watch out, review will be coming after Haven make sure to subscribe to my bloglovin or IG for updates (shameless plug ha)) For concealers I brought my Nars and Rimmel Wake Me Up. Primer for my eyes and the Naked Flushes pallette for my Blush/Highlight/bronzer. The last little tub is for correcting my eyes once I smeer fallout eyeshadow all over my face... classy.

Next up is the MAC palette. No words can desribe this beauty. This can also Double for my brows. My Chanel Madmoiselle fit perfectly on the side. And my Brushes are hidden under.

The little compartments I decided to pack fill of my eyeliner and lip pencils, brow gel, mascara and a little bronzer just in case. Girl needs options!  

Last up is always the worst part of going away. Deciding what Lipstick you want to take. Urgh the stress!
I decided to take five. The newest one is from Elizabeth Arden, freebie when I bought my Double Wear. A shimmery pink.. its not me at all but if I am ever gonna wear it - its when I have limited options.
Two purples. Rimmel 30 a bold Purple, then YSL in 32 a soft plum colour.
For my Nude I picked Velvet Teddy. Then a random Bold from MAC Men Love Mystery.
I'm not gonna lie, im pretty sure a few extras will creep into my handbag, but this is enough surely?
What is your packing routine? what lipstick do you just need to take? and thoughts and opinions on double wear? Leave me a comment in the section below :)

A Mini Takeover

It's really hard not to go with ease when mini's come into the picture. The dread of "nothing under 100ml" is often too much to take and everyone will run out to grab super cute (but super expensive) minitures.
Although I am not going on a plane this holiday a good few of my skincare items come in leaky packaging (yes i'm talking to you una brennan - you're lucky your oil is so amazing) So I will usually opt for mini's... but this post will attempt to teach you how to use mini's in efficient ways.
first up is an easy one. Samples. I picked up some Estee Lauder bits today and with it I was given a "gift" of their best sellers, perfect timing. So I will be trying out their DayWear & Night Repair on holiday, its always fun trying new things.. (just make sure you patch test first)
Next up was a body lotion I hadn't used in months because its top was broken, I rehomed this and now its got a working top, win win.
For things like my Oskia, eyecream, primer and sometimes even my foundation I grab these little pots. Super handy, small and wont take up much room.
I will always have a few "travel sizes" normally picked up on offer. This time its two Aussie and thee cutest little micellar water. Yeah sometimes I cave into the cuteness too.
AJ's cherry shampoo and my Original source showergel is in old shampoo and conditioner mini bottles. Reused - check me recycling.

This is where things get crazy. Go on, its ok to call me nuts. The thing is we are away on a Haven holiday - Caravan. Self catering. We are getting pretty darn good at money saving on these trips, its so easy to overspend, so this time I am super organised.
Usually we get there realise we are missing all the basics then have to spend £10 on bits we have at home then end up with way too much and have to either throw away the excess or take it home and have doubles - stressful. So say hello to a full range of mini kitchen essentials.

Yup I even bring Teabags, sweetner, butter and usually jam too. These little pouches are fab for just keeping random bits in. How organised am I? Ok yeah I'm crazy.

But at £1 for 3 minis, a little tub and a pouch you really cant complain (and you can wash them out and use again). Where else can you get everything you would need for £3? Bargain I think.

Whats your thoughts? Do you splash out on mini's? or prefer to bring from home? Let me know in the comments below - and its alright to call me totally crazy if you want too :)

(ps. Sorry about the rubbish picks, I need to get some more backgrounds for standing up things)

MAC: The Brooke Shields Palette - Preloved from TheSundayGirl

100% my favourite blog is The Sunday Girl. Seriously she is fab, she posts at least once a day, her reviews are honest, genuine and I just love her style. There is something quite cool about her lack of self on her blog (there is no pictures of her) leaving it to be pure beauty. Unique and fab for daily reading.  

When I first started reading blogs I very rarely left comments, I was too shy, but hers was the first one I commented on, and after a while it found myself on her site daily scrolling through posts commenting on pretty much everything I could.

So on Monday I found myself on her blog, and I came across her BlogSale, I squeeled. It had been live for a day, so most of the pretty things had gone, but no one had even commented about this.

The Brooke Shields palette has been making appearances on her blog since she bought it back in September 2014 (you can view this here) But I first seen it on this post where she admitted she was too scared to use it..

"For instance we have MAC Brooke Shields Palette (limited edition), an assortment of neutral toned eyeshadows that will take me from night to day that I spent an arm and leg on last October and have yet to as much as swatch. Why? It is too pretty to use, which makes no sense - if I don't use it like all other make-up products it will spoil. Surely if it is too pretty to use it is too pretty to waste?" - Adrienne "makeup Discussion, too scared to use" 27.04.15

Since then it has made appearances, but never used, so when I seen it as still available on her blog sale I knew I just had to have it, Fate - make up style. 

So here it is, in all it's beauty:

Top Row: 
Pretty (exclusive to this palette) 
Soft Brown
Expensive Pink
 (exclusive to this palette) 
Satin Taupe 

Middle Row:
 (exclusive to this palette) 
 (exclusive to this palette) 
 (exclusive to this palette) 

Bottom Row:
 (exclusive to this palette) 
 (exclusive to this palette) 
 (exclusive to this palette) 
  (exclusive to this palette) 

I did my usual with this palette, use every colour possible on the first go, and I was loving the results. That beautiful light warm gold is Canter, it's beyond stunning on the inner corners. A mix between lofty & carbon is perfect for my brows, and those purples are just perfect. 

So its finally been used, and I am so, so in love with this. Part of me is sad for using something that has been kept new for a year, but I am definitely not a makeup hoarder, I love what I own, and I use it all - so this is no exception. I can see me using this a lot, and it is definitely a valuable addition to my collection - and this was why Adrienne decided to sell it - she wanted someone to love it. Safe to say its come to a good home! :)

Whats your thoughts? Do you love it as much as I do? Do you use or keep limited edition products? let me know in the comments below!

Face of the Day:MAC: Autumnal Look

Autumn is without a doubt my favourite part of the year. The colours alone are beautiful, warm burgandy, purple, golds and navy blues. So with this in mind I decided to put together a bold eye look just for autumn - and this is it.

Autumn is typically all about the lipstick. Everyone ditches their summer clothes and swaps them for a bold purple lip - and who doesn't love that? but some days you just want to be free from worry over where your lipstick may end up (usually kissed all over my sons head hehe)

So when I purchased Coppering from MAC back in April time I knew I probably wouldn't get too much use out of it over summer, but wow is it on my go to now that the cold weather is setting in. This combined with Amber Lights gives thee most stunning bold autumnal eye look. 

It reminds me of leaves when they have fallen, those beautiful warm tones, I'm obsessed with this right now, it just seems to go with everything that I want to wear. As usual MAC, you have won my heart. 

What looks are you all loving right now? which eyeshadows are your "go-to" options? let me know in the comments below :)

Product Review: Lush's Cupcake

Say Hello to Cupcake, my latest Lush Fresh Face Mask.
Made from Chocolate - this facemask is aimed for teenage spotty skin, something I am still hauted with.  
It's main ingredients are Cocoa Butter, Linseed, Cocoa Powder, peppermint, spearment and sandalwood oils. It mostly smells like Minty chocolate, which is fab for a girly day. Who doesnt love chocolate?
My main concern with this one is that it melts in the shower. Typically I have a mask on as I shave my legs, then remove once its done, but this stuff drips, so no steamy applications allowed. Not the biggest problem but it adds 10-15 minutes onto my pamer routine... I know what a disaster. Ha.
On the upside it does leave your face smooth.. even if it does look like you have smeered poo all over your face... which according to my 4 year old this does. "hahaha poo poo face" has a whole new meaning.
Maybe ill stick to Love Lettuce?
Whats your thoughts? have you tried it? Let me know in the comments below

Nails: BarryM Raspberry

Let the obsession with autumn continue onto my nails. 

I bought this last year getting excited for autumn, it went away for summer and now it's back again. I love this shade. 

It is the perfect autumnal red, and at £2.99 it is a complete steal, I wore this constantly last year, and now that it is on my nails again I can see it becoming a new favourite. 

What colours are you loving right now? Let me know in the comments below :) 

Battle of the Concealers

Concealers are always something I am on the lookout for. Big and small brands are constantly at battle to win the top spot of "the best"
But which ones really are the best? is it better to spend more? or less? Here are the 3 I have at the moment... same products, same applicators but very, very different prices.
The cheapest option here is Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer at £3.99 it is a complete steal. I have never known anyone to use this without the product description and labelling rubbing off.... but its one of its charms now. Famous and cheap, the one to beat when it comes to drugstore concealer (and high end too now) this is a product every girl should try, love and buy again (even if you can never find the Light option... it truly is like gold dust).
Next up is the Rimmel London Wake Me Up Concealer. This comes in at £5.49, sleeker packaging and slightly thicker in texture this one comes with a brightening formula. I hate the foundation version of this, but I must admit I do love the concealer, somehow it really does do what it says, brightens. Also it is usually in stock in my shade - which is always a winner!
Last is the only high end concealer I have ever owned. The NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer. At £22.00 this broke my bank account. Is it good? yes! is it £22.00 worth of good? No. It works, it does the job it is meant to, but the price tag I feel really is a put off, you are less amazed by its power, mainly because you are thinking for £22.00 too right it needs to work!
Concealer really is hit and miss, some you will go for and wish you hadn't bothered, but with so many good options available they really are smashing expectations, no wonder they fight over the top spot. They are all fab, but in my opinion, head to boots and save your cash. That £17 you saved on concealer you could be spending on a MAC lippy - now that's money well spent.
What is your opinions of concealer? which ones will you splash the cash on? or do you prefer cheaper options like me? Let me know in the comments below :)

Face Of the Day: No Foundation

Recently in an attempt to combat my spots I have been trying to use zero coverage. No primer, no BB, no CC, no foundation, just my face. 

At first it was terrifying. I'm so used to having a high coverage foundation on to completely even out and cover my skin tone, so going from that to nothing was a shocker. 

As my spots then began to clear I really did start appreciating and liking my face without anything. I could blow my nose with a cold, if it's hot I don't need to worry about it melting off my face, the perks really are fab. But it's not easy. 

Confidence to just go for it is the biggest hurdle, then you face things like do you cover your dark circles? - Yes was the answer for me. I needed something to make me feel more alive. But all those pesky marks on my nose, discolouration around my mouth... it takes a while to accept that really you are the only one that sees them. Trust me, let go for a day and just accept they are there.
If I was feeling fancy I would bronze and highlight.... I would never contour without foundation, but bronzing just gave my skin more life, sunkissed, and highlighting just makes me feel like a princess (always).
I also found that those cream blush I had but never used were beautiful with no foundation, they blended in perfectly just with my fingers, blending into my face rather than leaving me cake faced or clown like.
For eyes I wouldn't go all out. Just a wash of colour and some mascara.. this is meant to be simple and easy... using eyeliner and shading complicates things, and this look isn't about complicated.
To finish up it has to be a gloss finish, no lipstick required. I usually opt for one of these stick colours. Mainly due to my hatred of all things sticky, blech lipgloss!
What is your thoughts on no foundation? have you dared to try it? Let me know in the comments below :)

September's Empties

I should really stop including all of my candles... it makes me look as if I have a candle problem. Ha, seriously though I need to stop! Anyways, here are the things I have finished this month :)

1. Umberto Giannini Beauty Secrets Moisture Mask (£6.00) - I picked this up after a week lot of swimming at haven, did the trick of sorting my hair out. I'm not a huge fan of these types of products, mainly because my hair is pretty self sufficient, I barely look after it - oops. So yeah this did the trick, smells great too, but won't be repurchasing (until the next trip to haven).

2. Dove Pure Care Dry Oil Shampoo & Conditioner (£5.99 Each) - This is another "do not buy unless on offer" products, just because i'm cheap! Fab shampoo and conditioner, leaves your hair super smooth and smelling high end. The oil within it really does feel expensive, highly recommend!

3. Sainsbury's Kids Cherry and Almond Shampoo (£1.00) - I am obsessed with this stuff. My Son uses it and constantly smells amazing. It's like an instant throwback to my childhood, Loreal Kids anyone? I would use this stuff... if only they had a conditioner to go with it! - Repurchased.

4. Superdrug's Cotton Pads (£1.89) - I am in no way loyal to any cotton pad brand, but I do use a lot of them, these worked, and picked up some more last week. Basics :) - Repurchased.

5. Original Source Blackcurrent (£2.70) - Never, ever, ever pay full price for these. Ever. They are awesome, but always on offer somewhere. Check around :) These are in every empties. And I do love this one. Instant throwback to our holiday in Tenerife last year, as this is what we used all week. Cannot get enough of original source, the best by far in the price range. :)

6. Lush's Brazened Honey (£6.50) - Can read my full review on this here, I sure do love a Lush Fresh Face mask. Amazing stuff. And this one leaves you so smooth, you'll be shocked at the results :)

7. The Candles.

Ok, I have a problem... here goes.

Yankee Candle Salted Caramel Small Jar (£6.99) - I love this scent, so sweet, rich and autumnal. Perfect start of September. I don't think I would be able to burn a large jar of this, but its perfect for a few nights.

2x Next Candles. (£3.50 each) Why Why Why do the square ones not burn properly??? I can never get them to burn to the edges and it just angers me - I know how silly but its so irritating. Wont be buying unless they are in the sale.

3 wick burner from Sainsbury's. This burned beautifully, smelled fantastic. Was a gift from my other half's mum, she is so sweet. Fab candle!

3x Ikea Set Candles. Can never go wrong with Ikea candles, cheap price, burn well and good fragrance choices. Think these were £3 for the 3.

3x Home Bargins Home Baking Set (£2.99) - These are AMAZING So good for the price and one hell of a smell payoff. If you see them, get them - Repurchased.

Ok so is my candles too much? how many do you get through a month? What else have you used up? let me know in the comments below :)

Lush: Recycling Benefits

I love Lush products so much, and what makes them even more appealing is their loyalty scheme. Once you have bought 5 lush products, if you return their packaging - they will give you a full sized fresh face mask for free. Not only are you getting a freebie, you are helping to reuse their tubs for their original purpose.. can't get much better than that!

I returned:
Ro's Argan Body Conditioner (£16.50) - you can read my full review on this here
Love Lettuce Fresh Face Mask (£6.50)
Oatifix Fresh Face Mask (£6.50)
Let Good Times Roll Cleanser (£6.75)
D'Fluff Shaving Foam (£5.75) - you can read my full review on this here

I then chose the Cupcake Chocolate Fresh Face Mask (£6.50) as my free mask. excited to try and review this. I did go in hoping to get myself a tub of the new blue "Don't look at me" but with none left I had to settle on a sample size, which will give me a try ready for next month!
Do any of you use any Lush Products? What should I be looking at when I am next in store? Let me know in the comments below! :)

Product Review: Dr Bronners Magic Soap

By now we should all know that washing your brushes is one essential you shouldn't miss.. even if it does bore you senseless. Washing your brushes regularly will keep away those pesky spots, keep your makeup looking fresh and maintain the quality of your brushes. No brainer really.

Typically I would use an antibacterial no scent hand soap to wash mine. But after seeing various blog posts about how amazing this soap is... I thought it was worth picking up - especially as it was on offer in my local TK Maxx.

Needless to say it didn't disappoint. This stuff is magic. It has an oily texture but then builds into bubbles when its worked into your brushes. It removes the makeup quicker than I have ever seen before, leaving white brushes like new, and smelling fab too.

It even managed to get Benefit Erase paste out of a smaller brush which I haven't been able to do properly up until now. This stuff is a holy grail product, go get your some now - I promise it's worth it - and your brushes will thank you.

Pick yours up here starting at £1.99.
Let me  know your thoughts in the comments below :)

Face of the Day:MAC: Men Love Mystery

Those of you who follow me on instagram (@MakeErinOver) will have already seen this snap. But I was so impressed with the colours, and lets face it myself.. my make up is stunning here.. I didn't want to wash it off. My poor boyfriend didn't understand why I was so proud of myself... *sigh* boys!
Eyelashes isn't something I would normally go for, but I decided that today I would try them out. These are the Eyelure colab with Fleur De Force, and I love them "Fleur Loves" are shorter and whispy, and just give a little more flutter to your lashes.

For eyeshadow I used my Naked 1 palette, I was desperate for some purple eyeshadow (I really need to get some now) so I settled for a standard smokey on top with some black liner. I then used a white eyeliner in my waterline with a purple liner below. Really opened up my eyes and tied in with the finishing touches.
To finish up I used the MAC Matte Men Love Mystery lipstick. Lighter then Heroine, but just as bright and purple, love it. Should also mention we were away out for food, and after eating enchiladas and finishing a few cocktails this lippy was still in place. What a winner.
What's your thoughts on the lippy? in love like me? Let me know in the comments below.

September's Wish List

The Recap

1. Clinique Pop Lipstick - Didn't purchase, was too distracted at MAC and their new matte's... damn.
2. Soap & Glory Foamous - I just couldnt bear to spend £6.50 on shower gel when original source is £1.... i will splurge eventually!
3. New Bedroom accessories! - This I have been splashing cash on! can't wait to find the final few bits then share with you all :)
4. The Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette - See Below.
5. Real Techniques bold metal brushes - Purchased.
6.  Lego - Purchased and built. Can view AJ's Lego creations here.

September's Wish List

1. MAC Soft & Gentle (£24.00) -  I swatched this last time I was in store, and now I need it. Damn, I need to stay away from that counter, evil! 

2. Next Jumper (£32.00) - I freaking love jumpers, it's a tad crazy but I love autumn just because it's jumper weather, and this one needs to be added to my collection, perfectly autumnal, cosy and oversized, and will look cute with my little denim collar. 

3. Next Fairy Lights (£12.00) - my bedroom is almost finished, at last! The only thing I am missing is lighting, and these would look adorable around my headboard, also need a table lamp... But would rather waste money on cute little things like this apparently hehe. 

4. MAC Whirl (£16.50) - I need it. Still. I swear the minute it comes back into stock it shall be mine, not that I need anymore nude lipsticks... But that's not the point, it's too beautiful not to have. 

5. MAC Eyeshadows x3 (£10.00) - I am so close to finishing my MAC palette, 3 spaces left. I have decided I need a pink, a blue and a purple... Anyone have any top picks? I get so overwhelmed at the counter, do the standard picking up all the ones I already have and then leaving with nothing. help, I need suggestions :) 

 6. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette (£60.00-£70.00) - 3 wish lists now this has been in, and it will remain here until it's released and I get my hands on it. So beautiful, need need need! 

What are you needing this month? Any recommendations for me? Let me know in the comments below, would love to know! Thank you for stopping by, it really does mean a lot :) 
All photos used are from the site they are linked to. No copyright intended.

The End of Summer

It's official. Autumn has begun and I couldn't be more excited. Up here in Scotland we didn't get too much of a summer, so it feels good just to give up and get the ugg boots back on! Especially after every attempt at me wearing flip flops ended in my feet soaked through, damn you rain.

So every year I swap my wardrobe around, I put away things I just don't use over summer/winter. Then do a swap around every September/April time. So on Tuesday I decided that it was officially cold. I wanted a scarf, my uggs, my tights and my purple lips. I'm so over summer.

So out they came, every year it's like christmas opening my wardrobe up and discoving things I had forgotten about. Putting things away I am sick of the sight of, and changing them for new bits.

First to go away is always the shoes. I never have boots and sandles out at the same time, I also put away some of my bright flats and swap them for my brown/burgandy ones.
Clothes - exactly the same. I swap my strappy floaty dresses, tops and short for my thicker dresses, tights, JUMPERS! (I do love a jumper)
I also put away my sunglasses, anything that looks summery and swap it for my hats and scarves. I had totally forgotten about this hat, I am in love again.

Same theory with Nail varnish's and lipsticks too. Goodbye Pastels, goodbye summer colours to enhance my (lack of) tan, hello reds, purples and teals - I have missed you!
They beauty of putting away your stash means not only do you surprise yourself with what you have when you reopen in spring/autumn, it clears up a lot of room for more things (hello new lipsticks)

Do you do this? how much do you put away? are you excited for Autumn? or mourning the end of summer? let me know in the comments below :) Thanks for stopping by!