It's My BIRTHDAY (Yesterday).
It was my birthday yesterday, and I've never felt so "MEH" about one before. The count down to the big THREE ZERO has begun. Ick. and I am not looking forward to it. My birthday was uneventful as always, but I did drink wine and eat a shed load of Indian food. It was definitely the highlight - that and cards from friends and loved ones.
So I figured I would do something a little different for this birthday post, and state 3 things I am happy with, and 3 things I want to change in the next year.
I want to change...
My Weight
Yeah yeah yeah... I know, I should be happy with the body I have and be confident... But I'm not. I hate my weight currently, and I want to lose a lot of it. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin, I want to fit into smaller uniforms and clothes, and I want my health to be better all-round too. If I'm still this size at 30, I'm going to be devastated.
My Home Life
I need to be more organised. More organised with AJ, more organised with the housework and just more organised in general. Sure I might need an extra day added to the week for that to happen, but overall I just want to be better with my time. I want to have a fun time with AJ on his/mine time off, I want to be able to go away with him at some point... Just do fun things.
My Love Life
Hahahahahhaah. Yeah, I need to get one. Mine is non-existant. I wear big ass panties, ugly pyjamas, and cuddle teddy bears. Sure I need to work on my confidence and be happier with my body to even consider dating, but I want it to be on the table at some point...
I am Happy With...
My Career Path
Sure I won't be qualified by 30, but it will happen when I'm still thirty (hopefully). I am SO loving that I am on the way to having the job I want. Especially after such a long time in a job I completely hated. At least I can tick that off the list... kinda... right?
My Finances
Sure they still aren't the best, but they are on the up! I'm saving money where I can, paying off debt where I can, and I can see the light. I want to be able to buy us a house when I qualify, and if I keep going with what I am doing that will hopefully become the reality.
It's taken a long ass time - but even with my issues with my body - I am finally at a point where I am beginning to accept me, for me. I'm happy with how I am, who I am. If people dislike that, then it isn't something I can change (repeat over and over).
Do you have anything you want to change in the next year? Or something you are happy with?
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