Turning 29.

It's My BIRTHDAY (Yesterday). 

It was my birthday yesterday, and I've never felt so "MEH" about one before. The count down to the big THREE ZERO has begun. Ick. and I am not looking forward to it. My birthday was uneventful as always, but I did drink wine and eat a shed load of Indian food. It was definitely the highlight - that and cards from friends and loved ones. 

So I figured I would do something a little different for this birthday post, and state 3 things I am happy with, and 3 things I want to change in the next year. 

I want to change... 

My Weight 
Yeah yeah yeah... I know, I should be happy with the body I have and be confident... But I'm not. I hate my weight currently, and I want to lose a lot of it. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin, I want to fit into smaller uniforms and clothes, and I want my health to be better all-round too. If I'm still this size at 30, I'm going to be devastated. 

My Home Life
I need to be more organised. More organised with AJ, more organised with the housework and just more organised in general. Sure I might need an extra day added to the week for that to happen, but overall I just want to be better with my time. I want to have a fun time with AJ on his/mine time off, I want to be able to go away with him at some point... Just do fun things. 

My Love Life 
Hahahahahhaah. Yeah, I need to get one. Mine is non-existant. I wear big ass panties, ugly pyjamas, and cuddle teddy bears. Sure I need to work on my confidence and be happier with my body to even consider dating, but I want it to be on the table at some point...

I am Happy With... 

My Career Path
Sure I won't be qualified by 30, but it will happen when I'm still thirty (hopefully). I am SO loving that I am on the way to having the job I want. Especially after such a long time in a job I completely hated. At least I can tick that off the list... kinda... right? 

My Finances 
Sure they still aren't the best, but they are on the up! I'm saving money where I can, paying off debt where I can, and I can see the light. I want to be able to buy us a house when I qualify, and if I keep going with what I am doing that will hopefully become the reality. 

It's taken a long ass time - but even with my issues with my body - I am finally at a point where I am beginning to accept me, for me. I'm happy with how I am, who I am. If people dislike that, then it isn't something I can change (repeat over and over). 

Do you have anything you want to change in the next year? Or something you are happy with? 


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