Saying I was spoilt this year for my Birthday is the understatement of the century, I honestly cannot believe how lucky I have been - and a huge part of that was down to Ben. So I thought I would go over what I got up to for my birthday weekend, what I got, and what we did! :)
First up I should mention the present which arrived a few weeks ago. My Gran very kindly bought me a joint Birthday & Christmas present of my new Eve Mattress. I swear it feels like you are lying on a cloud - it is incredible! :)
To start off my birthday weekend I decided I wanted to torture myself and get a tattoo done. To be fair it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, and the end result is beautiful! Andy Joss from Tayport Tattoo Collective designed the piece for me, then tattoo'd it. I love the result, its stunning. Really highly recommend him if you live in or around Dundee :)
I then drove 407 miles from Dundee to almost Oxford, to spend the whole weekend with Ben. I swear it was the best weekend. We played Crash Bandicoot, we went for a walk with the dog, we watched movies cuddled up. We had pancakes, and a takeaway, then we had champagne at midnight before my birthday. Ben is very good at romance, but I seem to be terrible at it - I need to up my romance game.

For my birthday Ben had decided to give me a gift a day, so I had a few parcels to open and Percy Pigs to eat before my birthday too. The first present was the Lipstick Queen "The Truth" lipstick from their nude range - it is a stunning shade. I had said I had liked it months ago - I have no idea how he remembered, but he did - he is so sweet like that.
The next present was the ABH Glow Palette, (which I will be doing a post about soon) I had been eying this up for a while, but kept put off buying it. It's so stunning, and i'm so glad I have it now to use. It is the perfect pale gals highlighter palette.
Finally, on my birthday... I had a little bag with a box from Missoma. I have been wanting the necklace for so long now, it just seemed to look stunning on everyone I seen wearing it - and I'm so happy with it. Especially as I don't plan on removing it (well I did to take these photos) so it is so lovely to have something sturdy that wont turn me green - but also something that has meaning, something I can wear all the time and love the meaning from it.

We then went to Harry Potter Studios in London, oh my goodness it was amazing. There is no words for how good it was to see everything. I loved every second. I could quite easily fill this post with pictures, but I shall not lol, they were on Instagram :) Total dream come true though, I have wanted to go for so so long.
We then went to Nandos for Tea, and then cuddled up at home watching Harry Potter. It was the best weekend. Then I drove home again on Monday. FUN! :)
My mum also very kindly bought me a McCoo for my living room (It's a canvas of a cow) but it didn't fit in her car, so that will hopefully be up soon, because I have had her space clear on my wall for way too long now - cannot wait to see it up :)
So yeah, totally spoilt this year. Most years I spend it alone, drinking or eating pizza to myself, nothing has been as special as this in a long long time. So yeah, hence the post! :)
What would be your dream birthday day? Let me know in the comments below :)
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