This is the post I consider mine. The one I post because #myblogmyrules but some how people seem to enjoy a monthly update on all things me, so why not?
Here is my once a month personal post, the ones with photos of all things other than makeup and skincare, I hope you enjoy! :)
Two Birthday's & Darcey
If you haven't checked out my Birthday Post you should! :) We went to the Harry Potter studios, and I spent the weekend with Ben in England, then this weekend Ben came up to Scotland and spent the weekend here for his birthday! :) Both weekends have been fab, and we are now both another year older *cries* other than eating good food (Dominos) we have taken Darcey on SO many walks, poor girl is knackered! - but she is so lovely!
Lizzie McCoo
Say Hi to Lizzie. She is a Steven Brown McCoo, and is now the pride and joy of my living room! :) Hard to believe my Mum bought her almost six months ago now for my birthday - so it is SO good to finally have her in my house now! My wall has been blank all that time, so I finally have my focal point. She looks amazing! :)

Good Reports
AJ had a pretty hectic month too, he has been at School most of it, and has enjoyed getting back into a good routine. His teacher is so happy with his work and behaviours, making me so, so proud of him! :) He seems to never be satisfied with not knowing everything, so he is constantly looking to know more. Right now his favourite thing is to look up African Land Snails on YouTube - no idea why lol
Personal Statement
So the first draft for my UCAS personal statement is now done, and this week I need to finish it up and submit it. Don't think I have ever been so scared of anything. So much riding on such little characters lol, it's hard to decide what to keep in and what to remove. But I have plenty help - and fingers crossed it works!
What have you been up to the past month? What has been your highlight? Let me know in the comments below! :)
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