March Favourites

Is it really the end of March? How on earth did that happen? Really? I'm shocked! So as usual here are all the bits I have been loving this month! 

Foreo Issa Hybrid Review*

Yes, its definitely a toothbrush.

I promise.

& Yeah, I know it looks like something else.... but its 100% a toothbrush.

*hides toothbrush in the cupboard*

Wishing for Summer: The Products I Cant Wait To Use

Ok so it may only be mid march, but  I am just so excited for it to be hot again. I am dreaming of coral toned makeup, bronzed skin and bright lips. So I thought I would do a post of all the things I just cannot wait to take advantage of this summer, the bits which I feel I don't usually use all winter.

Spectrum Brushes Siren Smoke Set Review

Have you ever seen prettier brushes? Spectrum ROCK the pretty makeup brushes. Without a doubt the best brand for Instagram friendly tools... surprisingly the brushes are pretty amazing too.. pretty and good? All for a cheap price.. what more could any makeup lover ask for? 

I have actually been sent Spectrum brushes before, I reviewed them here. But these ones I have spent my hard earned cash on - because having one of each brush - just isn't enough (especially when you are lazy like me and HATE cleaning them) 

Nano Whitening Kit (Whitewash Laboratories) Review*

Thanks to my coffee obsession I have noticed lately the colour of my teeth are quickly turning not so white anymore, so when Nano contacted me asking if I would like to try out their Teeth Whitening kit - I thought... well why not?

The Yellow Obsession

My Yellow obsession is real. Recently I have just been buying everything yellow, I just cannot get enough of it... 

To be fair this is the first time I have really had the opportunity to go a bit yellow mad, it's never really been "cool" or a colour anyone has really made things in. For as long as I can remember I have been in love with yellow, I still remember it at nursery - watching everyone fight over the red cups, and me standing happily with my yellow one that no one else wanted... it has always just been my colour.

The Winter Empties

So I used to do my favourites every month. But this year I decided I wanted to do it every three, or seasonally really. So will see how this goes... and be warned.. there is A LOT of candles... I think I have a problem!... There is a lot of everything to be honest, I really didn't expect it to be this long....

Urban Decay Full Spectrum Palette Review + Swatches + Look

I feel like everyone has this palette now, and I have seen so many posts on it - so I can't guarantee this will be any different, but yeh - it was just way to pretty to not swatch and take photos on (and use!) So here is the swatches and the look I included - oh and I also did some pros and cons! 

March: Goals, Wishes & Regrets

I am so determined to make march a good month. SO determined. February was even worse than January, and I refuse REFUSE to have a bad month. I will have a good month! 

Benecos: Natural Makeup Worth Trying*

I have used products from Benecos before, I was obsessed with their lipstick in poppy red for so long, you can see that post here. So when they contacted me asking if I would like to try some of their new collection I was excited to see what they had.

If you are interested in Natural Vegan Makeup this is the brand for you. Although it isn't something I will exclusively use, I do feel all warm and fuzzy using something that is au natural.

How To Fake Being Edgy and Cool

I have been completely living for the new ripped jeans, ripped t-shirt, chocker, old school vans kind of look recently. This has been one trend I am well on board with, but sometimes I just feel like I am not cool enough, especially when it comes to being edgy. It just isn't me.. so I thought I would show you how I am doing my makeup right now, "Fake it till you make it" and all. 

Tinder: Why I'm Not Swiping Right (Just From Your Pictures)

There is aspects of being single I love, but dating is not one of them. To the point I have deleted tinder, so I thought I would share with you the reasons why it had to go, and the things I am super picky over when it comes to swiping right...

Garnier PureActive Sensitive Skincare 28 Day Review*

I have always been a big lover of Garnier products, so when they contacted me asking if I would like to try out their new line I was excited to give it a go - especially when it is designed for more sensitive skin with imperfections (spotty sally over here) So I thought I would share with you the results from using the trio for 28 days.