Natural Beauty From Benecos & Soultree*

Happy Sunday Everyone! Hope you are all well.

Thought I would share with you a few new bits I have been sent recently and have been enjoying.

Benecos are an all natural, mostly vegan & cruelty free brand, you guys all know that I use Loreal & MAC, so can hardly claim to be a "good" beauty lover, but I must say I feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing they give a poop about the environment and the fluffy bunnies.

So, when I first read "Natural Beauty" I must admit I did question if the quality would be as good as the un-natural chemical beauty... I mean there must be a reason why most brands prefer it? But hey, it was worth trying it out.

I was really pleasantly surprised with the results though, the quality is really really good, then considering the low price range is it is even better. I am also a huge fan on the free UK shipping over £10, because I hate paying shipping costs. HATE IT.

when they asked what I would like to try from their new autumn collection, I decided to stick to my usual, browny nudey colours - because that is what I know best.

The shades I went for were "Choco Cookie" and "So What?" they are so beautiful as a quick all over the lid kind of shade, for £3.95 these are a complete bargain too, I cannot wait to see their shade range expand, these are such a good quick go to eye colour.

To me though the lipstick is the star of the show here, I picked the shade "Poppy Red" £6.95 which is far from being Red, I would describe this as a orangy red brown nude, very simmilar to Urban Decay Hitch Hike, so the perfect colour dupe for that if you are looking for something simmilar but not matte (and over half the price). I really do love this on!

Last up was a quirky little liner from Soul Tree in the shade Copper Tint, I must admit I do love the formula, but confused over the shape... I mean how is it going to work as a liner when it becomes blunt? Personally I think this actually makes a better eyeshadow, so this is how I have been using it.. it really works beautifully as a shadow, the perfect copper brown shade, easily blended too :)

Have you tried anything from these ranges? Have you tried any Natural makeup before? Let me know in the comments below, I would love to know your thoughts :)

I would LOVE it if you could follow me on Bloglovin' (I follow back too) 


  1. The singles look really pretty and I love that lipstick color! I've been trying to pay more attention to cruelty-free brands as I love what they do x

  2. How cool is that liner? Such a pretty shade too! xx

    Gemma ♡ Miss Makeup Magpie

  3. I love all natural beauty products! These sound fab and look fab too! x


  4. That Poppy Red looks stunning!!!!!

    xx SofiaaDot

  5. That poppy red shade is beautiful! The packaging looks quite similar to a MAC lipstick as well!
    Charlotte //

  6. I haven't tried this brand yet but it does sound very intriguing + the fluffy bunnies <3
    LOVE the Poppy Red shade so much! And yay for a double purpose of the liner. I know what you mean, what do you do with it when it's gone blunt?! Eyeshadow alternative sounds fab! :D
    xox Nadia


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