October Favourites

I always hate the end of October, I hate how it feels, the start of the cold approaching, the end of the pumpkin spiced lattes... and for us parents the panic over Christmas.

But here is the things I have been loving this month...

Halloween Makeup - For when you Hate getting Dressed Up.

Does anyone else love halloween but hate all the dressing up? Just me? Oh well. Here is what I typically do for halloween, because I cannot handle all the awful quality outfits... It just isn't my thing anymore! 

So here is my top tips for rocking a halloween outfit, without having to spend a penny (You don't even need the black lipstick) 

3 for 2 IS BACK! Superdrug HAUL

Who doesn't love it when Superdrug do their 3for2 offer? Seriously it's AMAZING. Just makes buying makeup so much easier... ok so that is the downside....

So if you didn't know already, Superdrug occasionally run a promotion where you can pick 3 items from any brand across brushes, makeup, lashes and accessories and get them for the price of 2... it's dangerous for bank balances.

How to Maintain a Flawless Nose (With Glasses or a Cold)

As a glasses wearer, my nose is a constant issue. Do my makeup flawless, and boom - 10 minutes of glasses wearing and its RUINED. Not to mention a cold, how many of us have tried to maintain a flawless look then one blow of a nose and its over. End up looking like Rudolf, and no - that is never cool, no matter the month. 

Top 10 Shows/Movies I REALLY Wish Netflix Had

Do you ever remember a show, think oh god I so wish Netflix had that!! Well this is all this is... a collection of things I wish Netflix would allow me to binge watch already. Don't get me wrong, I love Netflix, but I always want more, and these being added would keep me happy... at least for a few months anyways... 

Autumn Lipsticks (Without Being Bold)

Just incase you missed it.. Autumn is my favourite season - without a doubt. Typically I associate a dark plum lip with these months, but more recently I have been reaching for something a bit different. I cannot decide what this colour is even called, but I am going with a burnt orangey, nudey browny colour. Ha, That'll do.

October Empties

Another month, another empties post. Happy to say the end of a few make up items too, I seem to be finishing a lot all at once... which isn't so good for my bank balance - as it is often the perfect excuse to replace. Oops! 

Bullet Journal: Keeping Track of Your Stats (Graphs)

I have shared sneaky snaps of my Bullet Journal on twitter before, people seem to love them.... love my geeky graphs. So I thought I would finally put it into a blog post, and show you which things I use, what I document and why I love my graphs. So welcome to my bullet journal :) 

Hourglass Surreal Lighting Palette Review + Swatches

Hourglass Surreal Lighting Palette Review + Swatches

The palette everyone is swooning over just now on instagram. The stunning marble, baked and all round perfection of a palette that is the Hourglass Surreal Lighting Palette.... but do you need it? Now that is the question

Natural Vs Full Glam #FaceOff Selfie*

I love when a package makes a surprise arrival, and thats exactly what happened here. Boots were very kind and sent me a package with some goodies inside.

October: Wishes & Regrets

October, dang I do love Autumn, and this month is just everything Autumn. Here is everything on my mind this month, the things I am after, and which things I wish I hadn't bothered with! 

MAC Haul + Swatches

I really didn't need anymore makeup... but somehow yet again I found myself buying some more... aaaah the life of a beauty lover. 

In my Defence it has been AGES since I bought something new from MAC, so taaaadaaaa. Here is what I got. 

NEW IN: MakeUp Obsession Palette + Swatches

I was in boots last week, spotted these and HAD to fill a palette, it was a must. So here is a look around what you can get from MakeUp Obsession, and the swatches of the ones I went with :)